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Beichner Prof of the Year

Physics professor Robert Beichner has been named North Carolina Professor of the Year by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and the Council for Advancement and Support of Education. Beichner has long been regarded as an expert not only in his field, but also as a teacher and a mentor with an ability to influence the lives and careers of his students and colleagues on campus.

His innovative work with SCALE-UP has caught on around the country, with more than 100 schools, including MIT, Clemson, and the University of Alabama, investing in similar programs. The project borrows methodology and teaching techniques proven to be successful in small class settings, such as hands-on activities, simulations and roundtable discussions, and adapts them for use in larger classrooms.

Beichner was named 2009-10 Outstanding Undergraduate Science Teacher by the Society for College Science Teachers and the National Science Teachers Association on Oct. 15, largely for his work in developing SCALE-UP, which stands for Student-Centered Active Learning Environment for Undergraduate Programs.