Trivial Pursuits: The Abstract’s 2010 Quiz

The Abstract staff will be taking off for a couple of weeks to prepare for 2011. In an attempt to amuse and entertain ourselves you, we’ve pulled together a quick quiz on some of the research we’ve written about in 2010. See how you do! Answers are below the photo, and include links to the relevant posts.
1). What technology can now be placed in your shoe to help you avoid getting lost?
2). What common municipal resource could be a good source of renewable energy?
3). Researchers found that most parents don’t think their teenage children want what?
4). A study of piglets found that calcium deficiency may contribute to what two medical conditions?
5). According to a recent study, how often do kitchen workers perform a “cross-contamination violation,” potentially contaminating food?
6). Researchers are soaking mosquito netting in what common substance, in an effort to curtail malaria?
7). A study found that there may be a genetic predisposition to love, or hate, what?
8). Researchers found a wide variety of ant species living in what unlikely locale?
9). A boa constrictor gave birth to two litters of baby snakes without what?
10). Why are people sprinkling dried blood and egg powder on Christmas trees?
Answers (including links to the relevant posts):
1). Radar. Obviously.
2). Garbage. Specifically, burning the garbage in landfills.
3). To have sex. Unbelievable, I know.
4). Osteoporosis and obesity. Thanks for the tip Piglet!
5). Once per hour, on average. Yuck.
6). Soap. It causes mosquitoes to drown when they land on water to lay their eggs.
7). Taking surveys. The paper shows that some people are genetically predisposed to not take surveys (and that some people are genetically predisposed TO take surveys).
8). Traffic islands in the middle of Manhattan streets. Taxi!
9). Mating with a male. It is the first documented case of asexual reproduction in boa constrictors. Take that fellas!
10). To prevent deer from eating them. It’s cheaper than conventional deer repellents.
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