Hurricane Florence Inspires Disaster Research Workshop

Learn about the high-impact research, education and engagement NC State and its affiliates have been conducting related to Hurricane Florence and other natural disasters, and discuss the path forward at the Workshop on Disaster Research at NC State.
“We hope this will help foster a network of NC State faculty who conduct disaster research so that the next time a disaster hits our state, we are prepared to respond in a coordinated fashion,” says Angela Harris, event creator and assistant professor in the Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering. “We also hope that collaborations and ideas for funding opportunities develop from this meeting.
“Our research will have more impact when we all work together, tackling this complex issue from multiple perspectives and disciplines.”
The event is co-sponsored by the Office of Research and Innovation; Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering; College of Design; College of Natural Resources; and Center for Geospatial Analytics. Participants will have the opportunity to present two-minute flash talks about their research, engage in
Any NC State faculty member interested in disaster research is welcome to attend. Registration closes on April 15.
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