Expert Tips for Thanksgiving Food Safety
Everyone’s favorite eating holiday is here! Get ready for cozy family gatherings, Aunt Myrtle’s cranberry relish, a big ol’ turkey and ... salmonella? Not if we can help it.

[Editor’s Note: This post is part of a series designed to help people avoid foodborne illness during the holidays. You can find other posts in the series – on everything from eggnog to tamales – here.]
Thank goodness for Thanksgiving. We love a day entirely dedicated to cooking, nibbling, stirring, tasting, toasting, talking and eating. Still, even the most seasoned chefs have questions when it comes to pulling off this once-a-year feast.
Our resident food-safety expert and NC State Extension specialist Ben Chapman shares research-based tips on how to buy, thaw, prep and cook your Thanksgiving feast so everyone stays happy and healthy. Check out our quick videos below.
Psst: You can find more recipes and helpful videos on Homegrown, NC State Extension’s site dedicated to growing, cooking and preserving the best our state has to offer.
Buying and Thawing Your Turkey
Why Not to Wash Your Turkey
How to Safely Brine Your Turkey
How to Tell When Your Turkey Is Done
Tips for Timing Your Meal
How to Safely Prep Your Pies
Safely Storing Your Leftovers
These “In the Kitchen” segment of Homegrown were filmed in the Dinah E. Gore Teaching and Research Kitchens at NC State University. The state-of-the-art kitchen complex was designed to enhance and extend our work in teaching, research and extension.
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