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college of textiles

Jun 2, 2010

Gorga Receives Alumni Award

Dr. Russell Gorga, associate professor and program director in Textile Engineering, Chemistry and Science, received Iowa State University’s Professional Progress in Engineering Award. 

Jun 2, 2010

Getting the Boots

A team of textiles researchers aims to outfit firefighters with leather boots that can be worn on HazMat calls, replacing slippery, uncomfortable rubber boots. 

May 21, 2010

Lending a Hand

For the past year, a group of students has worked to create prototypes of products designed specifically for people with disabilities. They unveiled their products, including a more comfortable wheelchair and a new shoe-tying system, at an event last week. 

May 14, 2010

Lending a Hand

For most college students, end-of-the-year projects are fraught with worry. But for a group of NC State textile engineering majors presenting prototypes of products designed specifically for people with disabilities, it was celebration - not stress - that characterized the mood of the day. 

Apr 16, 2010

Anything But Typical

A dozen NC State student designers, along with more than 2,500 spectators, celebrated the fusion of fashion and art at Wednesday's Art to Wear fashion show at Reynolds Coliseum. From the use of traditional medium and fabrics to local eateries' fast-food containers, student designs and materials ran the gamut. 

Apr 15, 2010

Art to Wear Show Stunning


Mar 4, 2010

Quality Society Recognizes Godfrey

Dr. A. Blanton Godfrey, dean of the College of Textiles, received the Distinguished Service Medal from the American Society for Quality. 

Jan 14, 2010

Nonwovens Director Honored

Dr. Behnam Pourdeyhimi, executive director of the Nonwovens Institute,  received an award for lifetime technical achievement from INDA, the association of the nonwoven fabrics industry. 

Dec 15, 2009

A Year of Big Ideas

In 2009, our faculty and staff strove to advance research, education and service in a time of limited resources. But despite the challenges, it was most certainly a productive year on campus, where our community of more than 31,000 students and nearly 8,000 faculty and staff continued to fulfill the promise of this institution through groundbreaking discoveries, lifesaving research and pioneering innovations. As we move forward to 2010, join us in reliving some of NC State’s best ideas and advances from 2009. 

Jul 20, 2009

Building a Better Battery

Amid corporate restructuring plans, car czars and a waning economy, the struggling automotive industry is tasked with providing more efficient and economical options for car buyers. While foreign markets have been quick to move into hybrid and electric vehicle space, the United States has been slower to adapt. That's where NC State comes in. 

May 22, 2009

More ‘Star Trek’ than ‘Snuggie’

Alien creatures are the least of NASA's worries when it comes to moon travel. There are several potential threats to future missions - with space radiation at the top of the list. Now, a group of students at North Carolina State University has developed a "blanket" of sorts that covers lunar outposts - the astronauts' living quarters - to provide astronauts protection against radiation while also generating and storing powe 

May 18, 2009

Down with the Gown

Researchers at NC State are working to solve a nearly century-old problem – what to do with those skimpy, derriere-exposing hospital gowns. 

May 7, 2009

Adjunct Faculty Member Honored

Bill Harazin, an attorney and adjunct faculty member in textiles, received the 2009 John Dortch International Service Award from the International Law and Practice Section of the North Carolina Bar Association