Of course, going to STEP as a camper, it was definitely like a really enriching experience for me. It was something that I really enjoyed and wanted to help other people enjoy. And I also felt STEP was really the reason that I ended up at NC State. It was a really good recruitment program that, like, let me know that the Wilson College existed because I didn't know it existed in the first place. And like, as an N.C. resident, I knew that NC State was a school that I was interested in, but maybe I didn't know what degree program I would have ended up in, and I definitely was just not very aware of, like, programs and like what Wilson had to offer. So it was something that I feel, like, let everything fall like into place for me Ñ like through stuff I learned about the different degree programs, I found out what I wanted to do, and I also found, like, ways to pay for college. I ended up getting one of the scholarships that I actually learned about when I was a student at STEP. So that was all really, like, helpful and really rounded out the experience and, like, allowed me to kind of just know exactly where I wanted to go and, like, know exactly what I wanted to with my life. Yeah, and just so working this job and getting to spend like my summer at NC State has just been like a full-circle moment for me because I've been able to, like, give back to the program that I feel like is really giving me like all of my career.