Road Work Update
Installation of an underground duct bank is continuing on Cates Avenue, impacting both parking and traffic.
East Cates Avenue (between Morrill Drive & Jeter Drive)
Transportation expects the work on East Cates Avenue to take approximately three weeks. Crews will be installing 30 feet of duct bank, which involves digging up the center of the road. Two-way traffic will be maintained but Cates Avenue parking in the construction area will not be available in order to accommodate traffic.
West Cates (between Student Health and First Year College)
There are some scheduling issues to be resolved, but Transportation expects this project to begin in early July and take approximately one month to complete. The duct bank is 200 feet long, running between Student Health and First Year College. During the day, Cates Avenue will be reduced to one-lane traffic with traffic assistance provided. At night, two-way traffic resumes. Cates Avenue parking in the area will not be available.
Construction/no parking signs will be in place. You may want to avoid Cates Avenue because of anticipated traffic delays and increased pedestrian activity.
Duct Bank Work On Morrill Drive (across from Carmichael Gym)
A duct bank project on Morrill Drive (Derr Track side) began in late June with minimal traffic impacts. Parking directly across from the gym will be impacted for approximately one month. Work will be done in stages so all the parking is not taken at one time (work will progress toward Cates Avenue/Morrill Drive intersection).
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