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Cyber Security Tips From OIT

Cyber predators are smart, creative and dangerous. They surf the Web often in disguise, forever changing their strategies and tactics to attack and steal your account name and password, money, intellectual property, data and even your identity.

Each month this summer, NC State received about 4,400 edu phishing emails, and approximately 10 percent of phishing emails sent to accounts get through to campus users’ inboxes. Compromised accounts are used to send more phishing attacks, spam, emails with viruses attached, and emails containing malicious links.

The Office of Information Technology invites you to learn how to protect your digital life during National Cyber Security Awareness Month in October. This year’s theme, “Take Control,” aims to create dialogue about key ways to “increase awareness and prevention of online security problems.” October 2013 marks the 10th annual event sponsored by the Department of Homeland Security in cooperation with the National Cyber Security Alliance.

To kick off Cyber Security Awareness Month, security expert Tim Gurganus of OIT Security and Compliance will present “How to Take Control of Your Digital Life” from noon to 1 p.m. Friday, Oct. 4, in the Washington Sankofa Room (Room 126) of the Witherspoon Student Center. Come to this presentation to learn how today’s cyber predators are targeting you and how to defend yourself. Gurganus will show you:

  • New privacy and security features of programs like Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer, and Java; and Web apps like Gmail and Facebook
  • How to recognize and avoid cyber attacks
  • How to make your smartphone, computer or laptop more secure
  • How to avoid trouble in your inbox and while using search engines
  • Tips to protect your privacy and the confidentiality of your data

To register for this presentation, visit Classmate. Lunch will be provided, and you will have an opportunity to win door prizes.

But wait, there’s more. OIT is also sponsoring these other cyber security activities in October: