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computer science

Mar 29, 2010

Time Traveler

In video games, the concept of the "do-over" is familiar to players: replaying a level or situation again, using knowledge from previous tries to get it right. Doctoral student Chris Hazard has taken that idea to the next level with his groundbreaking game Achron, generating buzz with gamers and interest from the U.S. Army. 

Mar 25, 2010

Time Traveler

Doctoral student Chris Hazard has developed the world's first time-travel video game, generating buzz with gamers and interest from the U.S. Army. 

Feb 9, 2010

Making a Connection

The massive earthquake that struck Haiti on Jan. 12 devastated the country, leading to an estimated 150,000 deaths. Now, an NC State alumnus and Haiti native has employed his talents to help people get in touch with friends and loved ones using social networking technology. 

Feb 4, 2010

Computer Scientist Voted IEEE Fellow

Dr. Harry Perros, professor in the Department of Computer Science, has been elected as a fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics (IEEE) for his contributions to performance evaluation modeling of computer networks. 

Sep 24, 2009

In Memoriam: Robert Funderlic

Dr. Robert E. Funderlic, department head (1986-1992) and professor emeritus in the computer science department, lost a long and courageous fight with cancer on Sept. 5. 

Jul 1, 2009

Xie Honored

Dr. Tao Xie has been awarded a prestigious Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award by the National Science Foundation, valued at $425,000.