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Retirement Conference Planned

The Association of Retirement Organizations in Higher Education will hold its 10th anniversary conference in the Triangle Oct. 21-24 at the Carolina Inn in Chapel Hill. Registration and further information, including a call for presentations with online submission, is available at the organization’s website. The deadline for proposals is Tuesday, May 15, and the deadline for early bird registration is Friday, Aug. 31. The Association of Retired Faculty at NC State is a member organization so those attending from NC State qualify for a discounted rate.

The conference includes a banquet at the North Carolina Museum of Art, where Chancellor Randy Woodson will greet the attendees. Other conference events include tours of NC State, NC Central University and UNC-Chapel Hill, as well as a reception at the official residence of UNC system President Tom Ross. Conference discussions and presentations will focus on three themes:

  • Living Life
  • Health and Wellness
  • Connectedness

For further information, visit the website or email