‘Wolfpack Gives Back’ Under Way
“Wolfpack Gives Back,” the 2012 State Employees Combined Campaign, hopes to get off to a great start. The campaign’s goal is to increase participation to 40 percent and raise $600,000. NC State employees can choose to donate to more than 1,000 nonprofit organizations.
The program did great last year. NC State employees donated $589,000 to the campaign, placing the university at the top of all UNC system schools, with a 38 percent participation rate.
Check in with your team captains for donation forms, or donate online by selecting this link. Participants are eligible to win one of three incentive prizes including a replica of Carter-Finley Stadium, a gift card to an area restaurant or a year’s parking pass.
Here’s how to enter online:
User ID: Your unity ID
Password: The last 4 digits of your Employee ID number, located on your badge + your birth date in the format mmddyyyy
For example, last 4 digits 1234 and birth date 01/05/1981, your password would be 123401051981
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