Reindog Parade Teaches How to Keep Pets Safe
Enjoy the holidays with your canine companions at the first Reindog Parade onSaturday, Dec. 1, from 1 to 3 p.m. at the College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM), 1060 William Moore Drive. Judges will award prizes from Unleashed, a local dog and cat store, for winners of festive finery and holiday-best behavior contests.
Attendees will learn how to help pets enjoy the holidays safely with tips on nutrition and toy suitability from student clubs from the CVM.
Event admission is a donation of pet food or a monetary contribution to the Safe Haven Pet Food Pantry. Representatives from Safe Haven will be on-site to take donations.
Advance registration is requested. For directions, see here. Free parking is available in all the locations labeled C or CC on the map.
The Reindog Parade is a collaboration of the NCSU Libraries, the Friends of the Library, the William Rand Kenan, Jr. Library of Veterinary Medicine, the student chapter of the American Veterinary Medical Association, the NC State Pre-Veterinary Club, and the CVM.
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