Renew Campus Parking Permit
Order your virtual parking permit online or explore low-cost parking options available from University Transportation. Current permits expire the last day of June.

It is time to renew your parking credentials for 2019-20.
Here’s how it works:
- Purchase a virtual parking permit online. Faculty/staff permits are now available for purchase at Login with your Unity ID and choose “Order/Renew Permit/GoPass.”
- Parking privileges are assigned to your registered vehicle(s) license plate.
- Remember to check the information for all vehicles on your parking account. It is important that the license plate, make and model are correct.
Important things to remember:
- Your current permit and gate access (if applicable) expires on June 30. Once you complete your renewal, your new parking permissions will be active on July 1.
Changes for the 2019-20 academic year:
- Effective July 1, the “RE” parking along Cates Avenue and Jensen Drive is being updated converted to “C” employee parking. The steam plant lot will remain “RE” parking.
- NC State is introducing a Dan Allen Employee (DDE) permit for employees who wish to park only in the Dan Allen parking deck. For the 2019-20 permit cycle, “B” and “C” employee permit holders may continue to park in the Dan Allen deck. Effective, July 1, 2020, only DDE permits will be valid in the Dan Allen deck.
Explore low-cost and zero dollar options:
- Beginning in the fall, the Spring Hill park and ride will open on Centennial Campus. Learn more.
- Get 24 free parking passes if you bike, walk or take transit to work. The Wolftrails program is here for you. Find out more.
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