Heroes are fiercely and selflessly brave. Lindsay Recchie possesses these qualities.
She has distinguished herself as an employee for both her dedication and kindness, and on Tuesday the assistant to the chancellor will be honored as one of 16 recipients of the 2016 Governor’s Awards For Excellence. She is one one of four winners in the safety and heroism category and one of four winners from the 17 UNC system schools.
In fall 2015, Recchie learned that a former coworker was gravely ill and in dire need of a kidney transplant. With a desire to help, Recchie underwent testing to see whether she was a match for the transplant. Just being tested for compatibility can take three to six months, but Recchie was undaunted. The test results finally came back, and Recchie learned that she was indeed a match.
Any surgery comes with some inherent risk, but a kidney donation is a major surgery that is entirely voluntary. Recovery time can be lengthy and definitely impacts a person’s activity level. Yet despite all of these factors and the impact that this decision could have on her family, Recchie decided to go through with the surgical procedure to donate a kidney to her former coworker. Undoubtedly, Recchie’s kidney donation singlehandedly saved the life of another.
After hearing of Recchie’s kidney donation to her former coworker, the NC State Board of Trustees passed a Resolution of Appreciation at its February 2016 board meeting to commemorate and thank her for her selfless and thoughtful actions. Recchie has continually gone out of her way to improve the quality of services provided by the university and change the lives of those around her.
Since recovering, Recchie’s outstanding quality of work and kindness to her fellow employees continues. She is a valued and highly respected member of her NC State team.
In June, Recchie was honored along with four other NC State employees at the 2016 NC State Awards for Excellence ceremony.
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