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In the News

NC State news is shared far and wide. Below are just some of our recent appearances in local, regional, national and international media publications.

Oct 8, 2012

Tongue-based device gives spinal cord patients control

Tongue-based device gives spinal cord patients control, Medical Device Daily, Oct. 5, 2012. A new device could change the way spinal cord patients travel in their wheel chairs – and it all centers around the tongue. Lingcast, a start-up that has licensed technology from Georgia Technical Institute (Atlanta) and NC State University (Raleigh), presented this device, the Tongue… 

Oct 8, 2012

Reports from North Carolina State University Add New Data to Research in Bone and Mineral Research

Reports from North Carolina State University Add New Data to Research in Bone and Mineral Research,, Oct. 5, 2012. NC State research illuminates  aspects of turtle biology and evolution previously unapproachable, such as estimates of genome size of extinct species, differences in metabolic rates among different bones from a single individual, and potential function of osteocytes… 

Oct 8, 2012

Southern swing states: Will black voters bring Obama to victory?

Southern swing states: Will black voters bring Obama to victory?,, Oct. 6, 2012. When then-candidate Barack Obama won North Carolina in 2008, a lot of the credit went to the 76 percent turnout rate among African-American voters. Andrew Taylor, political science, featured. 

Oct 7, 2012

Newsbyte: SAP Joins in Release of “Big Data” Recommendations to U.S. Government Agencies

Newsbyte: SAP Joins in Release of “Big Data” Recommendations to U.S. Government Agencies, Technology Digital, Oct. 3, 2012.  Big data” has the potential to transform government and society, and the path to harnessing it is relatively straightforward and affordable. Michael Rappa, advanced analytics, featured. 

Oct 7, 2012

Ryan Offers A Balanced Conservatism

Ryan Offers A Balanced Conservatism, Carolina Journal, Oct. 4, 2012. From a strategic standpoint, I’m also not sure Rep. Paul Ryan was the best choice as Mitt Romney’s running mate — Florida U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio would have attracted Hispanic support and helped in Florida, and former Minnesota Gov. Andy Taylor, political science, featured. 

Oct 7, 2012

New fish species has hooks on genitalia

New fish species has hooks on genitalia, Wildlife Extra, Oct. 3, 2012. A new species of freshwater fish, described by a North Carolina State University researcher, has several interesting – and perhaps cringe-inducing – characteristics, including a series of four hooks on the male genitalia. Brian Langerhans, biology, featured. 

Oct 7, 2012

Will black voters give Obama what he needs in Southern swing states?

Will black voters give Obama what he needs in Southern swing states?, Christian Science Monitor, Oct. 5, 2012. When then-candidate Barack Obama won North Carolina in 2008, a lot of the credit went to the eye-popping 76 percent turnout rate among African-American voters. Andrew Taylor, political science. 

Oct 7, 2012

Nagoya University, North Carolina State University extend partnership for tech transfer

Nagoya University, North Carolina State University extend partnership for tech transfer, Enterprise Innovation, Oct. 3, 2012. Nagoya University and NC State University have agreed to renew their industry-university collaboration agreement for an additional five years to promote and commercialize research-driven intellectual property innovations in the US and Japan. 

Oct 7, 2012

New research reveals how solvent mixtures affect organic solar cell structure

New research reveals how solvent mixtures affect organic solar cell structure, Nanowerk, Kenya Star, Oct. 4, 2012. NC State research sheds light on the inner workings of polymer-based solar cells that could lead to improvements in efficiency. Harald Ade, physics, featured. 

Oct 7, 2012

10/3/2012 – Invincibelle Spirit funds breast cancer researcher

10/3/2012 – Invincibelle Spirit funds breast cancer researcher, American Nurseryman – Online, Oct. 4, 2012. The Breast Cancer Research Foundation (BCRF ) offers partners the unique opportunity to fund a researcher if they donate $250,000 within BCRF’s fiscal year. Invincibelle Spirit hydrangea was developed by Drs. Tom Ranney and Richard Olsen at North Carolina State University’s Mountain… 

Oct 5, 2012

US school district moves data to the cloud

US school district moves data to the cloud, Enterprise Innovation, Oct. 3, 2012. NC Department of Public Instruction has moved to consolidate and house data from the state’s school districts to the North Carolina Education Cloud. Phil Emer, technology planning and policy,  featured. 

Oct 5, 2012

The Rise of the Rogue App and How to Protect Against Them

The Rise of the Rogue App and How to Protect Against Them, The Huffington Post – UK Edition, Oct. 4, 2012. Recent NC State research found that 86% of Android malware was repackaged legitimate apps. 

Oct 5, 2012

Dalton stays on attack after debate

Dalton stays on attack after debate, WRAL-TV – Online, Oct. 4, 2012. Democratic Lt. Gov. Walter Dalton remained in attack mode Thursday as he returned to the campaign trail a day after sparring with Republican Pat McCrory. Steve Greene, political science, featured. 

Oct 5, 2012

Researchers reveal how solvent mixtures affect organic solar cell structure

Researchers reveal how solvent mixtures affect organic solar cell structure,, Oct. 4, 2012. According to NC State researchers, controlling “mixing” between acceptor and donor layers, or domains, in polymer-based solar cells could increase their efficiency. Harald Ade, physics, featured. 

Oct 5, 2012

Battle in Congress could impact cost of milk, dairy products

Battle in Congress could impact cost of milk, dairy products, WSOC-TV – Online, Oct. 4, 2012. A battle in Congress could cost consumers by raising the price of a gallon of milk to $6. Mike Roberts, agricultural  and resource economics, featured.