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In the News

NC State news is shared far and wide. Below are just some of our recent appearances in local, regional, national and international media publications.

Jul 11, 2012

Two years of little compromise between governor and legislature

Two years of little compromise between governor and legislature, Mountaineer, July 9, 2012. Maybe the results were predictable, but they certainly don’t resemble the rhetoric from a couple of years ago. Gov. Beverly Perdue spoke of working with the new Republican majority, and GOP leaders predicted plenty of ways to work together. Dr. Mike Walden, agricultural and… 

Jul 11, 2012

Some African-Americans think Obama takes their votes for granted

Some African-Americans think Obama takes their votes for granted, News & Observer, July 9, 2012. President Barack Obama’’s re-election campaign recently launched a radio ad aimed at African-American voters titled “We’’ve Got Your Back.” Dr. Blair Kelley, history, featured. 

Jul 11, 2012

Run Clinic: Slow Run vs Power Walk – the winner is…

Run Clinic: Slow Run vs Power Walk – the winner is…, The Irish Times, July 10, 2012. In her fortnightly column, author  Ruth Field (and her alter ego The Grit Doctor) compares the benefits of running (even very slowly) with power walking. Dr Gregory Sawicki, biomedical engineering, featured. 

Jul 11, 2012

Research: Glycerol behaviour in feed milling

Research: Glycerol behaviour in feed milling,, July 10, 2012. NC State scientists studied the impact of crude glycerol on feed milling characteristics of swine diets. This study evaluated the effect of crude glycerol on feed processing of nursery and finisher diets for pigs. 

Jul 11, 2012

Indirect land use change again questioned with North Carolina University Study

Indirect land use change again questioned with North Carolina University Study, Biofuels Digest, Iowa Corn et al, July 9, 2012. A new study indicates that indirect land use change is not statistically correlated with high crop prices to the degree that many models predict. Dr. Barry K. Goodwin, agricultural and resource economics, featured. 

Jul 11, 2012

How Facebook Recruiting Can Backfire

How Facebook Recruiting Can Backfire, BusinessNewsDaily, July 10, 2012. New research shows employers that use social media recruiting should be concerned about how they are viewed by prospective employees. Dr. Will Stoughton, psychology, featured. 

Jul 11, 2012

For Dems

For Dems, News & Observer, July 10, 2012. The fine line between a Southern conservative Democrat and a Republican continues to fade – fast. Dr. Andy Taylor, political science, featured. 

Jul 11, 2012

Ferry tolls and local politics

Ferry tolls and local politics, Mountaineer, July 9, 2012. Tip O’Neill probably never intended that his quip be taken as gospel, with no exceptions and no corrections. Dr. Mike Walden, agricultural and resource economics, featured. 

Jul 11, 2012

Domestic Violence Centers Facing Tough Times

Domestic Violence Centers Facing Tough Times, Philanthropy Journal, July 10, 2012. Domestic violence centers across the country are facing cuts at a time when demand for services is growing. Dr. Brenda Summers, nonprofit management, featured. 

Jul 11, 2012

Conservative Democrats back away from party in South

Conservative Democrats back away from party in South, Winston-Salem Journal, July 10, 2012. The fine line between a Southern conservative Democrat and a Republican continues to fade – fast. That certainly appears to be the case in North Carolina.  Dr. Andy Taylor, political science, featured. 

Jul 9, 2012

Carolina in the Morning

Carolina in the Morning, WECT-TV, July 6, 2012. Extension has deep roots in the farming communities of our state and residents near Wilmington may know Extension as the place to get home gardening information at The Arboretum. 

Jul 9, 2012

Youth program helps build future engineers | helps, program, build – Local News, Weather and Breaking Stories in North Carolina- Sun Journal –

Youth program helps build future engineers | helps, program, build – Local News, Weather and Breaking Stories in North Carolina- Sun Journal –, Sun Journal – Online, July 7, 2012. Justyn Michael Robertson is the kind of person for whom NC State’s engineering camp was designed. Dr. Bill Fortney, engineering, featurd. 

Jul 9, 2012

Android Ice Cream Sandwich and Below Vulnerable to Clickjacking Rootkit

Android Ice Cream Sandwich and Below Vulnerable to Clickjacking Rootkit,, July 6, 2012. A recent video describes how an NC State research team developed a rootkit that could silently install on Android devices. Dr. Xuxian Jiang, computer science, featured. 

Jul 9, 2012

Some African-Americans think Obama takes their votes for granted

Some African-Americans think Obama takes their votes for granted, Bellingham Herald, July 9, 2012. President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign recently launched a radio ad aimed at African-American voters titled “We’ve Got Your Back.”  Dr. Blair Kelley, history, featured. 

Jul 9, 2012

Cary company a leader in 3D body scanners

Cary company a leader in 3D body scanners, News & Observer – Online, July 7, 2012. A local company’s machine tailored for the ailing textile industry may help make the cramped fitting rooms at clothing stores virtually obsolete. Dr. Traci Lamar, textile and apparel technology, featured.