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In the News

NC State news is shared far and wide. Below are just some of our recent appearances in local, regional, national and international media publications.

Jul 4, 2012

Study Findings on Cellular Structures Are Outlined in Reports from North Carolina State University

Study Findings on Cellular Structures Are Outlined in Reports from North Carolina State University, Life Science Weekly, July 3, 2012. According to  researchers, cotton fibers are single-celled extensions of the seed epidermis and can be isolated in pure form as they undergo staged differentiation. Dr. C.H. Haigler, crop science, featured. 

Jul 4, 2012

Findings from North Carolina State University Advance Knowledge in Enzymes and Coenzymes

Findings from North Carolina State University Advance Knowledge in Enzymes and Coenzymes, Life Science Weekly, July 3, 2012. According to researchers,  the economic value of wood/pulp from many tree species is largely dictated by the quantity and chemical properties of lignin, which is directly related to the composition and linkages of monolignols comprising the polymer. NC State… 

Jul 4, 2012

Are our personal finances back in order? »Opinion »The Stanly News and Press (Albemarle, NC)

Are our personal finances back in order? »Opinion »The Stanly News and Press (Albemarle, NC), Stanly News and Press, July 2, 2012. More than any recession in 70 years, the recent economic downtown witnessed a collapse of household wealth. Dr. Mike Walden, agricultural and resource economics, featured. 

Jul 4, 2012

Campus MovieFest Announces Winning Short Movies from Annual CMF Hollywood Awards

Campus MovieFest Announces Winning Short Movies from Annual CMF Hollywood Awards,, July 2, 2012. Campus MovieFest (CMF), the world’s largest student film festival, announced winning short movies from its 2011-2012 World Tour. Best Picture: THE STRONG ONE, North Carolina State University. Best Director: Nicholas Sailer, THE STRONG ONE, North Carolina State University 

Jul 4, 2012

BESC researchers tap into genetic reservoir of heat-loving bacteria

BESC researchers tap into genetic reservoir of heat-loving bacteria, Scientific Computing & Instrumentation, Science Daily et al, July 2, 2012. The identification of key proteins in a group of heat-loving bacteria could help light a fire under next-generation biofuel production. Dr. Sara Blumer-Schuette, chemical and biomolecular engineering, featured. 

Jul 4, 2012

Researchers at University of North Carolina Publish New Data on Stem Cell Research

Researchers at University of North Carolina Publish New Data on Stem Cell Research, Stem Cell Week, July 2, 2012. Researchers highlight the current and significant work in the use of adipose-derived stem cells (ASC) in functional bone tissue engineering framed through the bone mechanobiology perspective. NC State biomedical engineering research featured. 

Jul 4, 2012

Supply Chain Distinction Awards – Rewarding Europe’s Leading Supply Chain Innovators | Virtual-Strategy Magazine

Supply Chain Distinction Awards – Rewarding Europe’s Leading Supply Chain Innovators | Virtual-Strategy Magazine, Virtual Strategy Magazine, July 2, 2012. The 5th Annual Supply Chain Distinction Awards was attended by over 400 supply chain, logistics, distribution and procurement experts. Award winning entries, include: Operational Excellence Award – Boots UK. Dr. Robert Handfield, business management, featured. 

Jul 4, 2012

Technique Could Broaden Uses of Titanium Dioxide

Technique Could Broaden Uses of Titanium Dioxide,, July 2, 2012. A new method that controls the phase of titanium dioxide at room temperature could make the material more efficient in applications such as antimicrobial coatings. Dr. Jay Narayan, materials science and engineering, featured. 

Jul 4, 2012

5 Tips for a Professional Office

5 Tips for a Professional Office, Today’s Chicago Woman, July 2, 2012. Tagged as: minute mentor is founder of Libertyville-based Sweet Peas Design, Inc ., a full-service interior design firm. One of her favorite business tips is: “Ignore people who say it can’t be done.” Dr. Elaine Rideout, entrepreneurship, featured. 

Jul 4, 2012

Is a Dog’s Hot Nose a Sign of Illness?

Is a Dog’s Hot Nose a Sign of Illness?, WebMD, July 2, 2012. Our expert tells us what’s true and not true about the old wives’ tales about canine nose temperatures. Dr. Steven Marks, veterinary medicine, featured. 

Jul 4, 2012

Scientists at North Carolina State University Target Life Science Research

Scientists at North Carolina State University Target Life Science Research, Life Science Weekly, July 3, 2012. According NC State researchers, MutS protein recognizes mispaired bases in DNA and targets them for mismatch repair. Research by R. Qiu, physics, featured. 

Jul 4, 2012

For scientists, it’s the ‘eureka moment’

For scientists, it’s the ‘eureka moment’, News & Observer, July 3, 2012. Olympians aim for gold medals; pro football teams strive to win the Super Bowl; actors aspire for Oscars. In natural sciences, most discoveries are not typically celebratory but require thousands of hours of data collection to produce a result. Dr. Dan Ksepka, paleontology, is featured. 

Jul 2, 2012

Scientists reveal new malware detection method

Scientists reveal new malware detection method, Net Security, June 29, 2012. Scientists disclosed a new way to detect mobile threats without relying on malware samples and their signatures. Dr. Xuxian Jiang, computer science-engineering, featured. 

Jul 2, 2012

Researchers find gold nanoparticles capable of ‘unzipping’ DNA

Researchers find gold nanoparticles capable of ‘unzipping’ DNA, OBGYN & Reproduction Week, June 29, 2012. NC State gene therapy research seeks to improve methods of packaging genetic material for use in gene therapy. Dr. Anatoli Melechko, materials science and engineering, featured. 

Jul 2, 2012

Nano-sandwich technique slims down solar cells, improves efficiency

Nano-sandwich technique slims down solar cells, improves efficiency, Nanotechweb, June 29, 2012. NC State researchers have found a way to create much slimmer thin-film solar cells without sacrificing the cells’ ability to absorb solar energy. Dr. Linyou Cao, materials science and engineering, featured.