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In the News

NC State news is shared far and wide. Below are just some of our recent appearances in local, regional, national and international media publications.

Sep 7, 2012

Researchers take full control of cockroach’s movement, turn it into a wireless sensor

Researchers take full control of cockroach’s movement, turn it into a wireless sensor, Engadget, Sept. 6, 2012. Built-in power supply? Check. Ability to survive anything? Check. Easy to control? Okay, anyone who’s had a cockroach as an uninvited houseguest knows that’s not the case. Alpert Bozkurt, electrical engineering, featured. 

Sep 7, 2012

Scientists develop remote control system for cockroaches

Scientists develop remote control system for cockroaches, Gizmag, et al, Sept. 6, 2012. Much to the annoyance of home-owners everywhere, cockroaches are amazingly tough, and they’re able to squeeze into remarkably small spaces. Alpert Bozkurt, electrical engineering, featured. 

Sep 7, 2012

Pet adoption can cost a lot more than you might think –

Pet adoption can cost a lot more than you might think , USA Today, Sept. 4, 2012. Pet adoption can cost a lot more than you might think.  Jay Levine, Vet Med, featured. 

Aug 30, 2012

Second West Nile death and three new cases reported across the state

Second West Nile death and three new cases reported across the state, News & Observer, Aug. 30, 2012. A second person has died of West Nile virus, and three other new human cases have been reported in North Carolina. Michael Reiskind, entomology, featured. 

Aug 30, 2012

Fungi could thwart carbon capture efforts

Fungi could thwart carbon capture efforts, New Scientist – San Francisco Bureau, Aug. 30, 2012. Plants are the original carbon capture and storage solution, the fungi that live on plant roots might undo some of that work by releasing CO2 back into the atmosphere. Shuijin Hu, plant pathology, featured. 

Aug 30, 2012

States Test Ways to Keep Employee Health Costs Down

States Test Ways to Keep Employee Health Costs Down, Governing, Aug. 29, 2012. States are reining health costs and attacking the issue from several angles, according to a new report by the Center for State and Local Government Excellence and North Carolina State University. The report profiles reform efforts in eight states. 

Aug 30, 2012

Two Powerhouse North Carolina Symphony Programs Remain This Summer on WUNC 91.5FM

Two Powerhouse North Carolina Symphony Programs Remain This Summer on WUNC 91.5FM, Beach Carolina Magazine, Aug. 25, 2012. The North Carolina Symphony and WUNC 91.5FM have partnered to present great music for a summer evening all season long. J. Mark Scearce, music, featured. 

Aug 30, 2012

Zoo pairs local eats, tunes with exotic encounters

Zoo pairs local eats, tunes with exotic encounters, Garner News, Aug. 29, 2012. On September 1-2, the non-profit children’s zoo will host its fourth annual “Blue & ‘Cue at the Zoo.” Visitors will also get an up-close look at owls and raptors from the Wildlife Rescue Center in Sanford, as well as insects and creepy crawlies from… 

Aug 30, 2012

State Health Plans in Fiscal Austerity: The Challenge of Improving Benefits While Moderating Costs

State Health Plans in Fiscal Austerity: The Challenge of Improving Benefits While Moderating Costs, RedOrbit et al, Aug. 29, 2012. A new Center for Excellence publication, State Health Plans During Times of Fiscal Austerity, comes out of a joint Center for Excellence-NC State University symposium that addressed both national trends and a rich variety of lessons learned from state… 

Aug 30, 2012


Senioritis, Dog Channel, Aug. 29, 2012. Discover what health concerns could impact your aging dog. Steven Marks, small animal medicine, featured. 

Aug 30, 2012

Red Hat acquires technology

Red Hat acquires technology, News & Observer, Aug. 29, 2012. Red Hat is in the midst of transferring more than 750 employees from its current headquarters on N.C. State University’s Centennial campus to a 19-story office tower at 100 E. Davie Street. 

Aug 30, 2012

Schools, county to meet Sept. 6

Schools, county to meet Sept. 6, News & Observer, Smithfield Herald, Aug. 29, 2012. The Operations Research/Education Laboratory, a research group based out of NC State University, is finishing up a population-growth study and will present its findings at the Sept. 6 Johnston school board meeting. 

Aug 30, 2012

Despite ‘freshmen 15’ myth, NCSU promotes healthy choices

Despite ‘freshmen 15’ myth, NCSU promotes healthy choices, WRAL-TV, Aug. 29, 2012. To help promote healthy eating choices, registered dietitians at North Carolina State University are using technology to teach students. Lisa Eberhart, dining and catering, featured. 

Aug 30, 2012

Former N.C. governor to help with national mortgage settlement

Former N.C. governor to help with national mortgage settlement, Triangle Business Journal, Aug. 27, 2012. National mortgage settlement monitor Joe Smith has tapped former North Carolina governor James Holshouser and two Triangle-based educators to serve on a five-person oversight board. Bonnie Hancock, management, featured. 

Aug 30, 2012

NC State leads national effort to evaluate fresh water sustainability in the southern US

NC State leads national effort to evaluate fresh water sustainability in the southern US,, Aug. 30, 2012. NC State University is leading a four-year federal research effort to evaluate freshwater sustainability across the southern United States. Sankar Arumugam, civil, construction and environmental engineering, featured.