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In the News

NC State news is shared far and wide. Below are just some of our recent appearances in local, regional, national and international media publications.

Aug 2, 2012

The Largest Academic Libraries, Part VI

The Largest Academic Libraries, Part VI,, July 31, 2012. The North Carolina State University (NCSU Libraries) collectively have 4,158,190 volumes. These are the D.H. Hill Library, the Hunt Library, the Design Library, the Natural Resources Library, the Textiles Library, and the Veterinary Medicine Library. 

Aug 2, 2012

View the video here!

View the video here!, ALA, July 31, 2012. RUSA President’s Program: Library in Your Hand: Mobile Technologies for Exchanging Information with Patrons. Kristin Antelman, digital libraries, featured. 

Aug 2, 2012

Michael Kocurek

Michael Kocurek, TAPPI Journal – Online, August 1, 2012. Although he retired in 2010 as a professor and former head of North Carolina State University’s Department of Wood and Paper Science, Michael “Mike” Kocurek, Ph.D., certainly has not slowed his ardent support of the industry or TAPPI through his educational efforts. 

Aug 2, 2012

N.C. State initiative to aid Twin Counties businesses

N.C. State initiative to aid Twin Counties businesses, Rocky Mount Telegram, August 1, 2012. Initiative overseen by N.C. State University to help manufacturers become more profitable is coming to the Twin Counties. Anna Mangum, industrial engineering, featured. 

Aug 2, 2012

On the Farm, Hanging a Help Wanted Sign

On the Farm, Hanging a Help Wanted Sign, The Pilot, August 1, 2012. North Carolina is a top producer of tobacco, sweet potatoes and other fruits and vegetables — but in the near future, farmers might not have enough workers to pick them. Dr. Blake Brown, agricultural and resource economics, featured. 

Aug 2, 2012

‘School of Ants’ project melds work of ordinary citizens, scientists

‘School of Ants’ project melds work of ordinary citizens, scientists, News & Observer, August 1, 2012. A horde of ants on a food-gathering mission descends upon the remains of a Keebler Sandies Pecan Shortbread cookie. This is no picnic. It’s a science project. School of Ants, biology, featured. 

Aug 1, 2012

Transitions People in Academe

Transitions People in Academe, Chronicle of Higher Education – Online, July 30, 2012. Joseph M. DeSimone, a professor of chemistry at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill who is also a professor of chemical engineering at North Carolina State University, is the new director of the Chapel Hill campus’s Frank Hawkins Kenan Institute… 

Aug 1, 2012

Animal massage offered at Durham business

Animal massage offered at Durham business, Herald-Sun, July 29, 2012. Massage is part of the treatment that Haley, an 11-year-old golden-colored, mixed-breed dog, gets each month to help with pain resulting from a pinched nerve in her shoulder. Dr. B. Duncan X. Lascelles, clinical sciences, featured. 

Aug 1, 2012


bc-cube-trays(sh), State Journal, News & Observer, July 29, 2012. If you’ve been to a housewares store recently, you’ve seen them, and may have been tempted. They are those colorful silicone ice cube trays that make cubes shaped liked hearts, stars or even the Titanic. Now, tiny versions of these trays are being used to make… 

Aug 1, 2012

Candidates debate N.C. ‘dynamo’ status

Candidates debate N.C. ‘dynamo’ status, Winston-Salem Journal – Online, July 29, 2012. North Carolina has long seen itself as the “Dixie Dynamo,” as National Geographic magazine once called it, a Southern economic powerhouse with big banks, Research Triangle Park, cutting-edge research universities and a muscular manufacturing base. But, is it losing some of its force… 

Aug 1, 2012

Farm labor shortage could loom for N.C.

Farm labor shortage could loom for N.C., Winston-Salem Journal, July 30, 2012. North Carolina is a top producer of tobacco, sweet potatoes and other fruits and vegetables — but in the near future, farmers might not have enough workers to pick them. Dr. Blake Brown, agricultural and resource economics, featured. 

Aug 1, 2012

Food safety rules to get a bit tougher

Food safety rules to get a bit tougher, Fayetteville Observer, July 31, 2012. A slate of new rules for food handling and safety take effect Sept. 1, the result of the state’s adoption of federal standards. Dr. Ben Chapman, family and consumer sciences, featured. 

Aug 1, 2012

North Carolina wary of possible farm labor shortage

North Carolina wary of possible farm labor shortage, News & Observer, July 27, 2012. North Carolina is a top producer of tobacco, sweet potatoes and other fruits and vegetables – but in the near future, farmers might not have enough workers to pick them. Dr.  Blake Brown, agricultural and resource economics, featured. 

Jul 31, 2012

Wanted: Ants of all sorts from Chicago

Wanted: Ants of all sorts from Chicago, Chicago Tribune, July 27, 2012. A horde of ants on a food-gathering mission descends upon the remains of a Keebler Sandies Pecan Shortbread cookie, breaking off tiny crumbs. Andrea Lucky, biology, featured. 

Jul 31, 2012

N.C. scientist trapping baboons in Kenya

N.C. scientist trapping baboons in Kenya, News & Observer, July 27, 2012. If you want to trap a baboon, you’ll want to have some bananas handy. Roland Kays, forestey and environmental resources, featured