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In the News

NC State news is shared far and wide. Below are just some of our recent appearances in local, regional, national and international media publications.

Aug 21, 2012

Scotty McCreery Tweets About His First Days at College

Scotty McCreery Tweets About His First Days at College, Wetpaint Entertainment, August 17, 2012. Being American Idol Season 10’s winner doesn’t make Scotty McCreery any different than other 18-year-olds, does it? Okay, maybe a little. But his fall plans are very similar to other ordinary kids his age: attending College! The singer is attending his father’s alma mater,… 

Aug 21, 2012

COLUMN: Holes, moles and voles

COLUMN: Holes, moles and voles, Statesville Record & Landmark, August 18, 2012. For practical purposes, the main difference between moles and voles is their diet. Moles eat earthworms, grubs and insects, while voles only eat vegetation (roots, bark, seeds, etc.). Iredell Cooperative Extension featured. 

Aug 21, 2012

Packapalooza celebrates 125 years of Wolfpack pride

Packapalooza celebrates 125 years of Wolfpack pride, WRAL-TV, August 17, 2012. Students, alumni and fans crowded a Hillsborough Street alive with music, dance and sports demonstrations Saturday to celebrate North Carolina State University’s 125th anniversary. Andy Walsh, student body president, and Chancellor Randy Woodson featured. 

Aug 21, 2012

NC State celebrates 125 years with street festival

NC State celebrates 125 years with street festival, WRAL-TV, August 18, 2012. For 125 years NC State has been a fixture in Raleigh. This Saturday at Packapalooza students, staff and fans will celebrate the university’s past and look forward to the future. Justine Hollingshead, Packapalooza coordinator, and Andy Walsh, student body president, featured. 

Aug 19, 2012

Pre-trial information release serves the public, protects the accused

Pre-trial information release serves the public, protects the accused, The Mountaineer, August 16, 2012. When courts withhold public access to certain police or other records before trials – particularly high-profile ones – the reasoning generally reflects a desire to preserve the suspect’s right to a fair trial. Mike Walden, agricultural and resource economics, featured. 

Aug 19, 2012

Triangle schools land millions in research grants

Triangle schools land millions in research grants, Triangle Business Journal, August 16, 2012. NC State University will receive four grants totaling $2 million. NC State University will receive four grants totaling $2 million, while UNC-Chapel Hill will get three grants worth $778,809. Duke University received two grants worth $519,793 and N.C. Central University landed one for $200,000. 

Aug 19, 2012

When a contingency contract isn’t

When a contingency contract isn’t, The Mountaineer, Augusts 16, 2012. For several years, Republican legislators talked about trying to catch Medicaid cheats using a combination of technology, outside vendors and contingency contracts. Mike Walden, agricultural and resource economics, featured. 

Aug 19, 2012

UNC-CH | blogs

UNC-CH | blogs, News & Observer, August 16, 2012. Last week, NCSU Chancellor Randy Woodson announced a sweeping plan to eliminate some degree programs and merge departments and, potentially, entire schools. Woodson wants to rethink the entire university structure instead of gradually slicing away at every department’s budget. 

Aug 19, 2012

Raleigh design/build firm lands one of only three jury awards. August 15, 2012 (Raleigh, NC) _ A house designed by architect Vinny Petrarca of Tonic Design + Tonic Construction in Raleigh received one of only three coveted Jury Awards … ‘,’wh

Raleigh design/build firm lands one of only three jury awards. August 15, 2012 (Raleigh, NC) _ A house designed by architect Vinny Petrarca of Tonic Design + Tonic Construction in Raleigh received one of only three coveted Jury Awards … ‘,’wh, AEC Cafe, August 16, 2012. A house designed by architect Vinny Petrarca, a Professor of Practice… 

Aug 19, 2012

Poultry prices poised to skyrocket after worst U.S. drought in half a century ravaged one-sixth of nation’s entire corn crop

Poultry prices poised to skyrocket after worst U.S. drought in half a century ravaged one-sixth of nation’s entire corn crop, Mail on Sunday, August 16, 2012. Buying a whole chicken at the supermarket or ordering a bucket of wings at your local fast food eatery may soon cost more than just a few months ago, and… 

Aug 19, 2012

Johnston County residents chosen for Agricultural Leadership Program

Johnston County residents chosen for Agricultural Leadership Program, Cleveland Post – Online, August 16, 2012. Four Johnston County residents have been selected to participate in a two-year Agricultural Leadership Development Program that is designed to prepare people in the early years of agricultural careers for the challenges agriculture is likely to face in the future.… 

Aug 19, 2012

Findings from North Carolina State University Provide New Insights into Molecular Science

Findings from North Carolina State University Provide New Insights into Molecular Science, Science Letter, August 17, 2012. NC State researchers release new study on Molecular Science. T. Stieger,  chemical and biomolecular engineering, featured. 

Aug 16, 2012

Early Career Faculty Space Tech Research Grants Announced By NASA

Early Career Faculty Space Tech Research Grants Announced By NASA, RedOrbit, August 15, 2012. NASA has announced the selection of 10 research efforts from the agency’s inaugural Space Technology Research Opportunities for Early Career Faculty solicitation. Chih-Hao Chang, mechanical and aerospace engineering , featured. 

Aug 16, 2012

New Bacteriology Research from North Carolina State University Described

New Bacteriology Research from North Carolina State University Described, Biotech Week, August 12, 2012. Current study results on Bacteriology have been published. S.E. Blumer-Schuette, chemical and biomolecular engineering, featured. 

Aug 16, 2012

‘Pat’ outlines McCrory’s credentials

‘Pat’ outlines McCrory’s credentials, WRAL-TV, August 15, 2012. Republican Pat McCrory’s latest ad in his race for governor is a biographical piece aimed at giving his credentials to voters. Patricia McCall, sociology and anthropology, featured.