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In the News

NC State news is shared far and wide. Below are just some of our recent appearances in local, regional, national and international media publications.

Aug 10, 2012

N.C. State conducts national study on genetically engineered mosquitoes

N.C. State conducts national study on genetically engineered mosquitoes, Mountain Xpress – Online, August 8, 2012. NC State conducts national study on genetically engineered mosquitoes. Dr. Michael Cobb, political science, featured. 

Aug 10, 2012

Uncorrected Forest Service errors block marble mine

Uncorrected Forest Service errors block marble mine,, August 7, 2012. A large deposit of rare, brilliant white marble sits on the north slope of the Dragoon Mountains near the small town of Dragoon, between Benson and Willcox. However, following metallurgical testing at the North Carolina State University Minerals lab, the Forest Service decided that the… 

Aug 10, 2012

NCSU Study Reveals StollerUSA Technology Effective in Maximizing Corn Yield Under Stress Conditions

NCSU Study Reveals StollerUSA Technology Effective in Maximizing Corn Yield Under Stress Conditions, Houston Chronicle, WBTV, August 7, 2012. Temperatures, moisture levels, soil deficiencies, even high plant populations cause corn crop stress that can impact yield and a grower’s bottom line. Dr. Ron Heiniger, crop science, featured. 

Aug 9, 2012

Raging Bulls: How Wall Street Got Addicted to Light-Speed Trading | Wired Business |

Raging Bulls: How Wall Street Got Addicted to Light-Speed Trading | Wired Business |, Wired, August 4, 2012. One of the effects of the explosion of algo trading is a boom in the market for financial data. Dan Stancil, electrical and computer engineering. 

Aug 9, 2012

State agencies create new wetlands in New Bern

State agencies create new wetlands in New Bern, Sun Journal – Online, August 4, 2012. Construction has begun on the second and final phase of a drainage and environmental wetlands project in New Bern that is one of the largest in the state to help improve water quality from runoff into the Neuse River. Kris Bass,… 

Aug 9, 2012

Hitch named to lead Shelton Leadership Center

Hitch named to lead Shelton Leadership Center, Goldsboro News-Argus, August 3, 2012. Dr. Chris Hitch has been selected as director of the General H. Hugh Shelton Leadership Center at North Carolina State University and program director in the N.C. State Poole College of Management’s Executive Programs office. 

Aug 9, 2012

Fracking seminar planned

Fracking seminar planned, Chicago Tribune, August 3, 2012. The General Assembly recently lifted the ban on hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, and opened the door to shale gas exploration in that state. Ted Feitshans, 

Aug 9, 2012

Bed Bugs Put to Sleep: Town Hall Reopens Friday

Bed Bugs Put to Sleep: Town Hall Reopens Friday, Brick Patch, August 3, 2012. Brick’s municipal complex reopens after a bout with bed bugs left the building shut down. While known as “bed bugs,” the tiny, parasitic insects don’t necessarily live in beds or even residential homes. According to the NC State University Department of Entomology, bed bugs… 

Aug 9, 2012

Drescher: Program teaches teens to make a difference

Drescher: Program teaches teens to make a difference, News & Observer, August 3, 2012. Whitney Jones led seven teens and two adults from Raleigh to rural West Virginia to repair and improve homes. Whitney Jones, genetics, featured. 

Aug 9, 2012

Facebook says it has 14 million ‘undesirable’ user accounts

Facebook says it has 14 million ‘undesirable’ user accounts, PC Advisor, August 3, 2012. Facebook’s disclosure that it found 14 million user accounts it considers “undesirable” — meaning they are likely spewing spam or other malicious links and content — highlights the need for better user verification on the popular social network, security experts said.… 

Aug 9, 2012

Food safety rules to get a bit tougher

Food safety rules to get a bit tougher, Chicago Tribune, Orlando Sentinel et al, August 3, 2012. A slate of new rules for food handling and safety take effect Sept. 1, the result of the state’s adoption of federal standards. Dr. Ben Chapman, family and consumer sciences, featured. 

Aug 9, 2012

Studies from North Carolina State University Reveal New Findings on Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Studies from North Carolina State University Reveal New Findings on Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Science Letter, August 3, 2012. Researchers publish study results on Saccharomyces cerevisiae. J.S. Jenkins, chemical and biomolecular engineering, featured. 

Aug 9, 2012

Study Findings on Cysteine Endopeptidases Are Outlined in Reports from North Carolina State University

Study Findings on Cysteine Endopeptidases Are Outlined in Reports from North Carolina State University,, August 3, 2012. Researchers present results from X-ray crystallography, enzymatic activity and molecular dynamics simulations for seven proteins, consisting of single, double and triple mutants.  J. Walters, molecular and structural biochemistry, featured. 

Aug 9, 2012

NC State students save big with tax-free online textbook orders

NC State students save big with tax-free online textbook orders, WRAL-TV, August 4, 2012. It’s day two of North Carolina’s sales tax holiday and many people are getting their 7 percent savings on school supplies without stepping foot in a store. At the North Carolina State University bookstore, where one textbook can run $200 or more, buying books… 

Aug 9, 2012

Vendors Roll Out Mobile Security, Vulnerability and Forensics Tools

Vendors Roll Out Mobile Security, Vulnerability and Forensics Tools,, August 6, 2012. White Papers: Today’s mobile app stores are now rife with both malicious applications and outwardly good apps that have troubling features that could compromise both user and corporate data. In fact, one figure from the Android Malware Genome Project at North Carolina State University…