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In the News

NC State news is shared far and wide. Below are just some of our recent appearances in local, regional, national and international media publications.

May 18, 2012

Researchers find fossil of a turtle that was size of a Smart car

Researchers find fossil of a turtle that was size of a Smart car LA Times, May 18, 2012. Excavating in a coal mine in Colombia, paleontologists have discovered the fossil of the world’s largest turtle, a 60-million-year-old specimen nearly 8 feet long — the size of a Smart car. Edwin Cadena, Dr. Dan Ksepka, marine, earth… 

May 18, 2012

NCSU scientists help discover fossil of prehistoric turtle in Colombia

NCSU scientists help discover fossil of prehistoric turtle in Colombia, N&O, McClatchy, et al. May 18, 2012. A team of paleontologists including scientists from N.C. State University has discovered the fossil remains of a new species of dining table-size freshwater turtle that apparently lived side-by-side with the 50-foot snakes and super-size crocodiles that they had… 

May 18, 2012

Car-sized turtle found in Colombian Coal Mine

Car-sized turtle found in Colombian Coal Mine, Discovery, May 18, 2012. Remains of an enormous turtle, which was the size of a Smart car, have been unearthed in a Colombian coal mine. Edwin Cadena, Dr. Dan Ksepka, marine, earth and atmospheric sciences, featured. 

May 18, 2012

Humongous Volkswagon-sized turtle fossils discovered

Humongous Volkswagon-sized turtle fossils discovered Christian Science Monitor, May 18, 2012. A turtle the size of a small car once roamed what is now South America 60 million years ago, suggests its fossilized remains. Edwin Cadena, Dr. Dan Ksepka, marine, earth and atmospheric sciences, featured. 

May 17, 2012

Huge turtle was Titanoboa’s neighbor

Huge turtle was Titanoboa’s neighbor, Wired, May 17, 2012. The Age of Dinosaurs ended about 66 million years ago. Edwin Cadena and Dr. Dan Ksepka, marine, earth and atmospheric sciences, featured. 

May 17, 2012

NC State scientists discover ancient, giant turtle

NC State scientists discover ancient, giant turtle WRAL, May 17, 2012. Paleontologists with North Carolina State University reported on Thursday their findings after seven years of study of an ancient, giant species of turtle. Edwin Cadena and Dr. Dan Ksepka, marine, earth and atmospheric sciences, featured. 

May 17, 2012

Turtle Fossil Found In Colombia Suggests Carbonemys Cofrinii Was Size Of Small Car

Turtle Fossil Found In Colombia Suggests Carbonemys Cofrinii Was Size Of Small Car, Huffington Post, May 17, 2012. Paleontologists are reporting some big news–literally. Edwin Cadena and Dr. Dan Ksepka, marine, earth and atmospheric sciences, featured. 

May 17, 2012

Smart Car Sized Turtle Roamed Colombia

Smart Car Sized Turtle Roamed Colombia, LiveScience, May 17, 2012. A newly discovered ancient turtle the size of a Smart Car roamed ancient South America 60 million years ago, scientists say. Edwin Cadena and Dr. Dan Ksepka, marine, earth and atmospheric sciences, featured. 

May 17, 2012

New Experimental Biology Research from North Carolina State University Discussed

New Experimental Biology Research from North Carolina State University Discussed, Biotech Week; also NewsRx – May 16, 2012.  Current study results from the report, “Divalent metal (Ca, Cd, Mn, Zn) uptake and interactions in the aquatic insect Hydropsyche sparna,” have been published (see also ). According to the authors of recent research published in the… 

May 17, 2012

Industry defends ingredient critics deride as “meat glue”

Industry defends ingredient critics deride as “meat glue”, Chicago Tribune, News & Observer et al – May 10, 2012. The U.S. meat industry has defended an additive that critics have called “meat glue,” saying the enzymes are safe, natural and not being used to deceive consumers.  Dana Hansen, an associate professor of meat science, is featured. 

May 17, 2012

N.C. prepares for swarm of Africanized bees

N.C. prepares for swarm of Africanized bees, Wilmington Star-News – May 16, 2012.  If it weren’t true, the history of the Africanized honey bee would sound like the plot from a B horror film….The N.C. Africanized Honey Bee Action Plan, updated in 2011, lists the ports of Wilmington and Morehead City- only 100 miles apart… 

May 17, 2012

Maqui Berry Extract May Help Type 2 Diabetes

Maqui Berry Extract May Help Type 2 Diabetes, eMaxHealth – May 17, 2012.  If you had to quickly name the different types of berries you have ever eaten, chances are the maqui berry would not be on your list. However, results of a new study published in Food Chemistry indicate it might be berry to… 

May 17, 2012

Industry defends ingredient dubbed ‘meat glue’

Industry defends ingredient dubbed ‘meat glue’, Belleville Intelligencer – Online; also Today’s Farmer, Goderich Signal Star, Lakeshore Advance, Wallaceburg Courier Press, Londoner, Sarnia This Week, Chatham This Week, Petrolia Topic, Leamington Post & Shopper, Strathroy Age Dispatch, Huron Expositor – May 17, 2012.  The U.S. meat industry has defended an additive that critics have called “meat… 

May 17, 2012

Getting in Tune: Researchers Solve Tuning Problem for Wireless Power Transfer Systems

Getting in Tune: Researchers Solve Tuning Problem for Wireless Power Transfer Systems, ScienceDaily, et al, May 15, 2012. —Researchers from North Carolina State University have developed a new way to fine-tune wireless power transfer (WPT) receivers, making the systems more efficient and functional. Dr. Srdjan Lukic and Zeljko Pantic, electrical and computer engineering, featured. 

May 17, 2012

Effort not stirring up controversy for meat binding process

Effort not stirring up controversy for meat binding process, Feedstuffs – Online – May 17, 2012.  As if the controversy surrounding lean beef trim hasn’t been enough, some in conventional and social media are now revisiting the issue of enzymes that are used to bind together meat products….The issue was explored in a Feedstuffs FoodLink…