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Mar 23, 2011

Next Steps

What changes are on the horizon as NC State launches a strategic realignment? Provost Warwick Arden walks us through the plan. 

Mar 14, 2011

Chancellor’s Message on Realignment Plan

Chancellor Randy Woodson announces a realignment plan to position NC State for greater strength, effectiveness and efficiency in the face of a likely state budget reduction. 

Mar 2, 2011

Chancellor Unveils Draft Strategic Plan

Read a draft of NC State's strategic plan, which maps out the university's direction for the next decade. The draft will be online for final review through March 25. 

Feb 3, 2011

A Message From the Chancellor

Chancellor Randy Woodson reviews the university's efforts to develop a strategic plan and budget in the face of an expected double-digit reduction in state funding. 

Jan 28, 2011

Strategic Listening

Faculty and staff shared their questions and concerns during the chancellor's strategic plan forum. 

Jan 18, 2011

Chancellor on the Budget

In a message to the campus community, Chancellor Randy Woodson outlines the steps NC State is taking to cope with deep cuts in state funding. 

Dec 16, 2010

NC State’s Chancellor to Announce Significant Donation

North Carolina State University officials will announce a significant gift to the university and its College of Management during an event at 10:45 a.m. on Friday, Dec. 17, in Nelson Hall Auditorium (room 3400). Media coverage is invited. Parking is available in the Dan Allen Drive parking deck, across Dan Allen Drive from Nelson Hall.… 

Nov 22, 2010

Gen. Odierno To Deliver NC State’s Fall Commencement Address

General Raymond T. Odierno, commander of U.S. Joint Forces Command (USJFCOM), will deliver NC State’s commencement address on Saturday, Dec. 18, at the RBC Center in Raleigh. The commencement ceremony will begin at 9 a.m. During the ceremony, Chancellor Randy Woodson will confer honorary degrees on behalf of NC State to Odierno and Dr. Deanna Bowling Marcum,… 

Oct 28, 2010

Chancellor Works on Sundae

Is a giant ice cream sundae sustainable? Not when you serve 2,500 free samples to everyone on the Brickyard. Watch the conspicuous consumption. 

Oct 28, 2010

Coming in Loud and Clear

A few themes emerged loud and clear at the strategic planning town hall meeting on Tuesday. Employees are ready to break down silos, make NC State a more comprehensive university and encourage way more collaboration across disciplines. Find out who said what. 

Oct 27, 2010

More Time to Help

Citing the extraordinary needs facing North Carolina charities during the economic downturn, Chancellor Randy Woodson has extended the Wolfpack Gives Back campaign for two more weeks. Find out how you can help. 

Oct 25, 2010

NC State to Formally Install Woodson as Chancellor on Tuesday

Dr. Randy Woodson will be formally installed as North Carolina State University’s 14th chancellor during an event at 10:30 a.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 26, in Reynolds Coliseum. Media coverage is invited. Parking is available in Jeter Bays deck off Jeter Drive, east of Reynolds Coliseum. Media should request a parking pass from News Services by… 

Oct 21, 2010

Strategy Forum Follows Installation

In the excitement of installation activities, don't forget to join the chancellor Tuesday, Oct. 26, to help chart the future course of NC State. Randy Woodson convenes a strategic town hall meeting at 2:30 p.m. in Stewart Theatre. 

Oct 7, 2010

By the Numbers

While NC State is in “reasonably good shape” financially, the university needs long-term strategies to make it less vulnerable to fluctuations in state funding, leaders said Wednesday at a chancellor’s budget forum. 

Oct 5, 2010

Big Plans for NC State

Chancellor Randy Woodson is rallying the university community for the challenges ahead and evangelizing on behalf of a strategic planning effort that aims to match resources to dreams.