Apr 23, 2009
A short Q&A with Dr. Jeffery Braden, the new dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, to learn about his plans and priorities as he takes the helm of the college.
Apr 16, 2009
Dr. Doug Gillan is writing Army guidelines for human-robot interfaces and chairing a symposium on human-robot interaction research.
Apr 2, 2009
Political science professor Michael Cobb helped brief 40 congressional staff and policymakers on nanotechnology.
Professor Patty McCall in the sociology department has received a grant from the Guggenheim Foundation that will fund an 18-month study examining violent crime in the European Union.
Mar 19, 2009
Dr. Heidi Hobbs has been named director of international programs in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Dr. Jeffery P. Braden has been chosen to serve as the next dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences.
How an angry, disaffected dropout became one of the most promising young writers in the United States.