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Mar 4, 2009

NC State Lands Grant to Boost Diversity in Science and Engineering

North Carolina State University has received a two-year, $987,000 grant from the National Science Foundation to encourage underrepresented minority students to enter graduate school in engineering, science and related fields. The grant establishes the Bridge to the Doctorate Program at NC State and provides graduate-school fellowships for students who plan to pursue a Ph.D. in science,… 

Mar 3, 2009

New Design May Mean Less Expensive, More Sustainable Structures

People are always looking for ways to make something less expensive and more environmentally friendly – and a team of researchers from North Carolina State University has figured out how to do both of those things at once when building the parking garages of the future. 

Feb 25, 2009

Cards On the Table: Risk Tool Spots Software Flaws During Development

A new risk management tool can help software developers identify security vulnerabilities in their programs early in the planning process, effectively solving problems before they exist, simply by having the developers lay their cards on the table. The system, called “Protection Poker,” was developed by computer security experts at North Carolina State University and is… 

Feb 24, 2009

New Tool Improves Productivity, Quality When Translating Software

Researchers at North Carolina State University have developed a software tool that will make it faster and easier to translate video games and other software into different languages for use in various international markets – addressing a hurdle to internationalization that has traditionally been time-consuming and subject to error.