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faculty and staff

Nov 12, 2009

New Water Management Tool May Help Ease Effects of Drought

Continued improvement of  climate forecasts  is resulting in better information about what rainfall and streamflow may look like months in advance.  A researcher from North Carolina State University has developed  an innovative water management framework that would take advantage of these forecasts to plan for droughts or excess rain in order to make the most… 

Nov 11, 2009

Nanowires Pave Way For Nanodevices

Silicon nanowires are attracting significant attention from the electronics industry due to the drive for ever-smaller electronic devices, from cell phones to computers. The operation of these future devices, and a wide array of additional applications, will depend on the mechanical properties of these nanowires. New research from North Carolina State University shows that silicon… 

Nov 9, 2009

Failing The Sniff Test: Researchers Find New Way to Spot Fraud

Companies that commit fraud can find innovative ways to fudge the numbers, making it hard to tell something is wrong by just looking at their financial statements. But research from North Carolina State University unveils a new warning system that sees through accounting tricks by evaluating things that are easily verifiable, such as the number… 

Nov 4, 2009

Chart Junk? How Pictures May Help Make Graphs Better

Those oft-maligned, and highly embellished, graphs and charts in USA Today and other media outlets may actually help people understand data more effectively than traditional graphs, according to new research from North Carolina State University. 

Nov 3, 2009

NC State Research Shows Way To Block Stealthy Malware Attacks

The spread of malicious software, also known as malware or computer viruses, is a growing problem that can lead to crashed computer systems, stolen personal information, and billions of dollars in lost productivity every year. One of the most insidious types of malware is a “rootkit,” which can effectively hide the presence of other spyware… 

Nov 2, 2009

NC State Research to Determine Where Nanomaterials Go in the Body

Tiny, engineered nanomaterials can already be found in many consumer products, and have been hailed as having widespread future uses in areas ranging from medicine to industrial processes. However, little is known about what happens if these nanomaterials get into your body – where do they go? NC State researchers are working to answer that question… 

Oct 7, 2009

Fill ’er Up – With Algae

Imagine filling up your car with fuel that comes from inexpensive algae that grow quickly, don’t use up freshwater supplies and can be cultivated in areas where they won’t compete with traditional food crops, such as corn or soybeans. Researchers at North Carolina State University are working to make that a reality, with a $2… 

Oct 5, 2009

Post-Racial? NC State Expert Weighs In On the Current State of Race Relations

Many pundits professed the dawn of a “post-racial” era following the election of Barack Obama as the first African-American president. But race and interracial relations still stir deep emotions in the public and in the press. Evidence includes the recent furor over President Carter’s recent comments suggesting race is contributing to criticism of Obama’s presidential… 

Sep 24, 2009

DeSimone Receives NIH Pioneer Award

Dr. Joseph M. DeSimone, William R. Kenan Jr. Distinguished Professor of Chemical Engineering at North Carolina State University and Chancellor’s Eminent Professor of Chemistry at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, has been awarded a National Institutes of Health (NIH) Pioneer Award, one of only 18 such honors handed out this year. The… 

Sep 16, 2009

NSF Spintronics Grant Will Help NC State Researchers Develop Smaller, Faster Electronic Devices

Researchers at North Carolina State University have received a three-year, $1.2 million grant from the National Science Foundation’s Center for Chemical Innovation (NSF-CCI) to pursue research in the emerging field of  molecular spintronics. The grant will fund a center for molecular spintronics at NC State and support a research coalition between scientists at NC State and UNC-Chapel… 

Sep 4, 2009

NC State Researcher Receives Grant to Study Nuclear Safety, Waste Reuse

A North Carolina State University researcher has received an $800,000 grant from the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) to explore ways to reuse or otherwise safely dispose of waste from nuclear power plants. Dr. Gary Mitchell, professor of physics at NC State, will serve as lead investigator on the project titled, “Cross Sections, Level Densities and… 

Aug 18, 2009

NC State Ready to Respond to H1N1 Virus on Campus

Cases of Influenza A (H1N1) are being diagnosed on a regular basis in North Carolina, particularly in the Triangle area, making H1N1 the dominant flu strain in the region. North Carolina State University officials have developed a plan to help educate the campus community about H1N1, and to encourage students to receive flu shots and… 

Jul 13, 2009

NC State’s Arden is President of Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges

Dr. Warwick Arden, interim provost and dean of College of Veterinary Medicine at North Carolina State University, has been named president of the Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges (AAVMC). The appointment for the 2009-10 term is effective immediately. The AAVMC coordinates the affairs of veterinary colleges in the United States, Canada, England, Ireland, Australia… 

Jul 7, 2009

University to Host Open Forum on Budget

Faculty and staff are invited to an open forum on the university’s budget on Thursday, July 9 from 3:30 to 5 p.m. in Stewart Theatre, located in the Talley Student Center. Interim Provost Warwick Arden and Vice Chancellor for Finance and Business Charles Leffler will discuss current budget planning and reductions. Time will be allotted… 

Jun 17, 2009

NC State Faculty Receive Fulbright Scholar Awards

Three North Carolina State University faculty members have been chosen to participate in the Fulbright Scholars Program to teach and study abroad in the 2009-2010 academic year. Each year Fulbright grants are awarded to researchers, teachers and administrators of universities around the world. The grants allow for up to one year of research abroad at…