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health and well-being

Workers hang hemp plants to dry.

Jul 1, 2024

Commercial Stock Photos of Farmworkers Found Lacking

Publicly available photos of farmworkers fail to represent workers and the tasks they perform, sometimes resulting in health and safety materials that lack relevance. 

Left: person wearing the fluid motor attached to artificial muscles. Center: artificial muscle lifts suitcase off the ground. Right: robotic leg attached to artificial muscle flexes its ankle.

Jul 1, 2024

Portable Engine Can Power Artificial Muscles in Assistive Devices

What sets the new engine apart is its ability to generate significant force without being tethered to an external power source. 

photo of an industrial landscape with large smokestacks billowing white clouds

Jun 5, 2024

Climate Change Will Make Air Pollution Worse. Here’s How.

The study finds climate change is likely to make upward spikes of ozone at ground level worse by 2050. 

photo shows an alarm clock next to a calendar

May 13, 2024

Daylight Saving Time Spells Bad News for Healthy Habits

Researchers found the onset of daylight saving time is associated with increased consumption of processed snack foods and fewer trips to the gym. 

a car splashes through floodwaters on a roadway

Apr 23, 2024

‘Sunny Day Flooding’ Increases Fecal Contamination of Coastal Waters

The findings suggest public health officials should be aware of potential risks associated with tidal flooding. 

illustration shows platelets (white blobs) and red blood cells clotting at the site of a puncture in a blood vessel.

Apr 11, 2024

Synthetic Platelets Stanch Bleeding, Promote Healing in Animal Models

Researchers have developed synthetic platelets that can be used to stop bleeding and enhance healing at the site of an injury. 

photo shows a black person in white labcoat marked with the letters MD, PhD. The person has a stethoscope around their neck and is holding a smartphone.

Apr 4, 2024

What You Do and Don’t Know About Racial Inequities in Health Care Can Hurt You

The extent to which people understand existing racial inequities in access to health care can have an effect on how white and Black people view their own health. 

photo shows a classroom of students watching a teacher. the hairstyles of the three kids in the back row suggest they are of different races (you only see them from behind)

Mar 11, 2024

No, An Anti-Racist Program in Schools Didn’t Stress Out Kids

A new study finds an anti-racist intervention did not cause stress or feelings of alienation among high school students. 

a gavel rests on a white table

Mar 6, 2024

What Drives ‘Drug-Induced Homicide’ Prosecutions in North Carolina?

A desire to reduce overdose deaths is spurring DIH prosecutions -- but the evidence suggests it may be harming public health. 

young woman leans against a wall with her hair hanging into her face

Mar 4, 2024

It’s Not Just You: Young People Look, Feel Older When They’re Stressed

A new study finds younger adults look and feel older on stressful days – but only on days when they also feel they have relatively less control over their own lives. 

an old woman's hands are folded in her lap

Feb 7, 2024

Easy Things We Can Do to Cope With Traumatic Loss

A new study finds there are simple activities that help people improve their mood and emotional well-being after the traumatic loss of a loved one. 

photo shows young child's hands coloring with magic markers

Feb 6, 2024

Study IDs Ways to Better Help Children Experiencing Homelessness

The study suggests public service systems need to do a better job of working with parents to support homeless children. 

photo shows a plate on a pink background. The plate has a frowny face drawn on it. A knife and fork rest on the plate.

Jan 29, 2024

Study Urges People to Think Twice Before Going on a Diet

The work underscores how toxic yo-yo dieting can be and how difficult it can be for people to break the cycle. 

photo shows rear view of a woman sitting on a hillside and looking thoughtfully into the distance

Jan 24, 2024

Study: The More People Know About Pregnancy, the More Likely They Are to Support Access to Abortion

The more people know about pregnancy, the more likely they are to oppose legislation that limits women’s access to abortions – regardless of political ideology. 

photo taken from above shows a Black woman in exercise clothes looking at a health monitor on her wrist

Dec 7, 2023

How a Failure to Understand Race Leads to Flawed Health Tech

A fundamental misunderstanding means the way many health devices are developed and tested can exacerbate racial health inequities.