interdisciplinary innovation

Researchers Roll Out Data on COVID Vaccine Distribution and Waste

Study Demonstrates Accuracy of Less Invasive Technique for Monitoring Elephant Health

Recreating the Sights and Sounds of 17th Century London

Human, Swine Waste Pose Dual Threats to Water Quality After Flooding

Study: Benefits Outweigh Risks for Autonomous Vehicles – As Long As You Regulate Them

The Evolution of Good Taste

New Twist on DNA Data Storage Lets Users Preview Stored Files

How COVID-19 Will Affect North Carolina in the Months Ahead

Where There’s Smoke: Reducing Downwind Impacts of Prescribed Burns

Study Shows Powered Prosthetic Ankles Can Restore a Wide Range of Functions for Amputees

Researchers Engineer Probiotic Yeast to Produce Beta-Carotene

Mussel Sensors Pave the Way for New Environmental Monitoring Tools

Study Finds Plants Would Grow Well in Solar Cell Greenhouses

New Tool Assesses Brand Reputation in Real Time and in the Long Term