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student body president

Jun 30, 2011

SBP: May 23 – Goodbye Brickyard Bubble

What's going on around campus this summer? Chandler Thompson, 2011-2012 Student Body President, starts blogging about updates and changes happening at NC State. 

Mar 21, 2011

Off the Hook: To Russia With Love (3.21.11)

During Spring Break, student body president Kelly Hook traveled to Russia alongside colleagues from 14 other American universities. From meetings with high-level Russian politicians to seeing NC State souvenir nesting dolls awaiting her purchase, it was an adventure that Hook hopes will help grow NC State's relationship with residents of the world's largest country. 

Feb 25, 2011

Off the Hook: Lead, Serve, and Find a Great Deal! (2.24.11)

Deadlines are fast approaching to apply for elected student leadership positions, and our part of the NCSSM-led, Guinness world-record-breaking canned food drive is right around the corner! And, did I mention that NC State has – once again – been named one of the nation's best college values? 

Feb 15, 2011

Off the Hook: Where is Your Tuition Going? (2.15.11)

With all the recent budget cuts, NC State's Strategic Plan will help determine where your money is going to be spent. Learn more about the Undergraduate Student Success Task Force and how its initiatives will affect you. 

Jun 17, 2010

Leading Her Peers

Kelly Hook's election as student body president has been the driving force behind a positive shift in Student Government's ability to connect with the larger student body, as well as an improved relationship with campus administrators. For Hook, the sixth female president in SG history, the opportunity to give voice to her fellow students was one she couldn't pass up.