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NC State metal gateway sculpture silhouetted against the sky

Dec 12, 2024

Researchers Demonstrate New Technique for Stealing AI Models

Researchers have demonstrated the ability to steal an AI model without hacking into the device where the model was running. 

an array of green lights that look like LEDs

Oct 11, 2024

Engineering Perovskite Materials at the Atomic Level Paves Way for New Lasers, LEDs

New technique dictates precisely how layered hybrid perovskite materials convert electrical charge into light. 

image shows four photos of a glove and a graph. The hand wearing the glove is underwater. In each photo, the hand is extending a different number of fingers, which correspond to different electrical signals shown on the graph.

Aug 7, 2024

‘Amphibious’ Sensors Make New, Waterproof Technologies Possible

Researchers have demonstrated a technique for creating sensors that can function both in air and underwater. 

gloved hands are stretching a thin sheet of clear material over a nail; the material is stretching over the sharp nail without breaking

Jun 19, 2024

Researchers Create New Class of Materials Called ‘Glassy Gels’

Glassy gels are extremely hard, but not brittle – they can stretch up to five times their original length. 

illustration shows platelets (white blobs) and red blood cells clotting at the site of a puncture in a blood vessel.

Apr 11, 2024

Synthetic Platelets Stanch Bleeding, Promote Healing in Animal Models

Researchers have developed synthetic platelets that can be used to stop bleeding and enhance healing at the site of an injury. 

image shows robot in a lab, standing in front of a whiteboard that shows a range of catalytic reactions

Feb 27, 2024

AI-Driven Lab Speeds Catalysis Research

The new tool, called Fast-Cat, can provide more information in five days than is possible in six months of conventional testing. 

neon lights show the outline of the human body overlayed with an outline of the brain

Jan 16, 2024

Modified Soft Material Promises Better Bioelectronics

The advance is an order-of-magnitude improvement in the ability of soft bioelectronic materials to function efficiently in biological environments. 

illustration shows two pieces of metal foam being welded together using an induction welder. Several inches away from the site of the weld (which is white hot), the metal foam is cool enough to touch with a bare hand.

Dec 14, 2023

Researchers Find Way to Weld Metal Foam Without Melting Its Bubbles

Traditional welding impairs the qualities that make metal foams desirable. Now researchers have found a solution. 

illustration shows the shape of a brain, but made up of circuits.

Dec 4, 2023

AI Networks Are More Vulnerable to Malicious Attacks Than Previously Thought

A study finds AI tools are more vulnerable than previously thought to targeted attacks that effectively force AI systems to make bad decisions. 

four young adults of different racial backgrounds stand together wearing masks that cover their nose and mouth.

Nov 20, 2023

Why the COVID Pandemic Hit Non-White Americans the Hardest

There was a stark difference in the percentage of non-white Americans who died in the first year of the COVID pandemic compared to white Americans. A new book explains why. 

on left part of image, a man's lower leg is shown, with the toes of his feet pointing down. There are sensors attached to his knee and calf. On the right, a robotic prosthetic lower leg is shown flexing in a pose identical to the man's leg. In the upper right hand corner, a graph shows an erratic line that moves up and down.

Oct 18, 2023

Robotic Prosthetic Ankles Improve ‘Natural’ Movement, Stability

Robotic prosthetic ankles that are controlled by nerve impulses allow amputees to move more “naturally,” improving their stability. 

an old-fashioned rotary phone sits on a table

Aug 8, 2023

A New Weapon in the War on Robocall Scams

The new tool is designed to help regulators, phone carriers and other stakeholders better understand and monitor robocall trends – and take action against related criminal activity. 

illustration lays out the design of the RoboMapper device and how each component works (see article below for details)

Jul 25, 2023

New Robot Boosts Solar Energy Research

The robot conducts experiments more efficiently and sustainably to develop a range of new semiconductor materials. 

two adults, show from shoulders to waist, stand at a conference table. They appear to be debating something.

Jun 20, 2023

How to Tackle Conflict in the Workplace

Research can help address conflicts in a way that helps the bottom line and improves workplace culture. 

a greyish rhinoceros stands on a grassy hill; several other rhinos are sleeping on the ground nearby

Jun 5, 2023

How Studying Poop May Help Us Boost White Rhino Populations

Researchers have identified significant differences in the gut microbiome of female southern white rhinos who are reproducing successfully in captivity, as compared to females who have not reproduced successfully.