SBP August 23, 2011: Silent Disco and Meeting SG
On Saturday, the Inter-Residence Council held it’s second annual Silent Disco. This was the last event of Wolfpack Welcome Week from 10 pm to 2 am in the Talley Ballroom. Students started lining up outside Talley at 8 pm, and by 9:55 pm the line went all the way down Cates to Owen Hall. That’s a long line!
At a Silent Disco, all the attendees have headphones on and there are 2 DJs competing against each other. Students could switch back and forth between 2 channels all night long. My favorite part is that you can hear everybody singing when a really popular song comes on, but you don’t hear the music! It makes for a cool atmosphere. NC State broke a US record with final attendance of 960 at IRC’s Silent Disco! Go Pack!
On another note, the Student Body Officers and other Student Government Officials will be eating in the dining halls at set times this year. We invite all students to join and eat with us, or just stop by and ask questions if you have any.

We will definitely be in the dining halls from 5 pm – 7 pm on these dates:
Monday 9/12 – Clark
Wednesday 9/28 – Fountain
Monday 10/10 – Clark
Wednesday 10/26 – Fountain
Monday 11/7 – Clark
Hopefully you can join us Monday, September 12th in Clark at our first dining all dinner!
Hope everyone is doing well in their classes!
Spirit – Pride – Tradition – WOLFPACK!
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