R U Safe in Cyberspace?
To combat computer viruses and other cyber attacks, the Office of Information Technology (OIT) wants to arm you with information that could help you avoid becoming a cyber victim. The high-tech experts on campus are taking advantage of National Cyber Security Awareness Month, also known as October, to focus their efforts.
The highlight of the month is a Cyber Citizen Forum from 5 to 7 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 12, 2011 in the Nelson Hall auditorium. Attend the free event to learn about the latest cyber threats, how to protect your privacy online and the 10 dangerous things you should avoid on the Web.
Stop. Think. Connect.
The forum is being held as part of the federal government’s “Stop. Think. Connect.” campaign, a nationwide effort to improve the public’s understanding of cyber security. Co-sponsors include OIT, NC State’s Department of Computer Science and the federal Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
Kelvin Coleman, an official with the National Cyber Security Division at DHS, will deliver the forum’s keynote address. Other speakers include NC State computer science professor Dr. Annie Antón and Dan Eckert, an NC State computer science student and chief technology officer of the e-publishing startup company DiscoverLit.
Other cyber security events this month include :
Computer Security for Real People
Oct. 18, 2011 at noon in the Talley Student Center, Room 4106
Presenter: Tim Gurganus – OIT Security and Compliance
Come learn about some free security tools you can use to keep your PC from being the easiest one to steal. Topics for this presentation include laptop tracking software, privacy and social networks, modern malware, trojans and phishing.
Securing Your Mobile Device
Oct. 28, 2011 at noon in the Talley Student Center, Room 4111
Presenter: Tim Gurganus – OIT Security and Compliance
Mobile devices provide you with on-the-go access to your email, various documents and numerous applications. However, these activities have their own set of security risks including online data theft and malware. This presentation will show you how to make your mobile device and thus, your activities, more secure by using device passwords, tracking software, encrypting devices, anti-malware software and more.
For more cyber security awareness events, visit the Computer Security Awareness Month 2011 website.
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