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You probably wouldn’t be surprised to learn that NC State makes news every day. After all, our researchers routinely work on some of the most advanced projects in the world, from a compound that makes antibiotics 16 times more effective against “superbugs” to a technology that boosts computer processor performance by an average of 20 percent.
But you probably had no idea that NC State’s scientific discoveries, educational advances and technological innovations are recognized far beyond the Raleigh News & Observer and Triangle Business Journal. In fact, NC State researchers are quoted, profiled and featured in media outlets worldwide every day.
Yesterday, for example, news outlets from New Delhi to New Jersey ran stories on NC State’s development of a new type of nanoscale structure resembling a sort of “nano-shish-kebab” that may result in the creation of new 3-D technologies.
The day before that, two NC State researchers were profiled in the New York Times Magazine for their work to combat mosquito-borne diseases.
You’ll regularly find NC State making news in top media outlets, from the Economist to the Wall Street Journal, from Popular Science to Scientific American. And you’ll find our faculty on news programs like “Science Friday” and “Morning Edition.”
Following all this great coverage used to be hard, unless you subscribed to hundreds of newspapers and magazines, visited thousands of websites or spent your day tracking scores of radio and TV programs.
Now, thanks to our colleagues in University Communications, you can sign up for a free daily email report that provides links to all the day’s top media hits. It’s a great way to keep current with the research and innovations making news at NC State.
Plus, it gives you plenty to brag about to your friends, neighbors and family.
So, take a minute to sign up for the clips report online. Then start sharing some of those great news stories via social media. You’ll help build NC State’s reputation while learning about research that is changing the world.
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