Staff Senate Names New Assembly Rep

The Staff Senate on Wednesday appointed Corrinda Watkins to serve as a delegate to the UNC Staff Assembly, an elected body that works to improve communication and morale across the system. She joins NC State’s two other representatives to the assembly, Staff Senate chair Ryan Hancock and chair-elect Robert Davis. Immediate past chair Susan Colby relinquishes her role as a delegate to serve as the elected chair of the Staff Assembly for 2013-15.
Watkins is a senior executive assistant and office manager in Human Resources.
Handguns on Campus
Capt. Ian Kendrick with the university police told senators that people with concealed carry permits are now allowed to bring handguns onto campus, as long as they keep the weapons locked in their vehicles. Guns must be stored out of sight in a vehicle’s trunk, glove compartment or some other closed container.
Kendrick said police have been working to educate faculty, staff and students about changes in the law, which were opposed by chancellors and police chiefs in the university system.
“We’ve moved from opposition to education,” he said. “But the responsibility to know what you can and can’t do falls on the permit holder themselves. Violations of these types of laws are taken very, very seriously.”
Extension Supports Farmers
The senate heard a presentation by Senator Brenda Wilson, a secretary with Yancey County Cooperative Extension. She explained how extension agents developed a local food hub to provide local farmers with infrastructure and marketing assistance to increase sales.
Yancey County lost 175 farmers between 2002 to 2007, she said.
The statewide Support the Troops Campaign ends Friday, Oct. 18. The campaign, sponsored by the State Employees Credit Union, includes collection boxes for donations at numerous locations around campus. A wish list of items is online.
The senate is sponsoring an introductory class in digital photography 2–4 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 23, in Admin II. Learn the basics of how your digital camera works, including
- When to use manual settings vs. picture mode
- F stops, aperture, ISO, depth of field, zoom and more
- Editing, storing and sharing
Check out the Staff Senate’s Facebook page for the latest news, information and events.