For Immediate Release
As students and teachers across the state head back to class, experts with North Carolina State University’s College of Education can offer helpful information on a range of topics. Get insight on the future of the Common Core and Read to Achieve in North Carolina, along with practical advice on helping kids remember what they learn, get motivated to read and make the transition to high school.
What’s Next with the Common Core
Fewer Teachers in the Pipeline for North Carolina
Dr. Michael Maher, assistant dean for professional education and accreditation, can explain what’s next now that state legislators have passed a bill to find alternatives to the Common Core in North Carolina. Maher, an expert on teacher licensure and education policy, can also talk about how much enrollment has dropped in teacher education programs and the prospect of short- and long-term teacher shortages across the state. He can be reached at 919/515-5524 or
Making Learning Memorable
Dr. Andrew McEachin, an assistant professor who studies achievement gaps and how to help students retain what they learn, says investing even a few minutes daily with your kids can pay big dividends. He can recommend ways to help kids make a positive emotional connection to what they’re learning in school, such as checking homework, reading together and asking probing questions, and finding activities or museum exhibits that relate to what your child is studying. He can be reached at 919/513-3707 or
Reaching Reluctant Readers
Dr. Kristin Conradi, assistant professor of literacy education, can offer tips on how to help a child who struggles with reading and ways to motivate a reluctant reader. Conradi, director of NC State’s Reading Clinic, can also discuss reading intervention related to the state’s Read to Achieve program, an effort to ensure students read on grade level by the end of third grade. She can be reached at 919/515-1781 or
A Successful Transition to High School
Attending a large high school can be intimidating. Mr. Braska Williams, director of the N.C. Mathematics and Science Education Network Pre-College Program, can recommend ways to help kids become active in smaller school groups, including academy programs and extracurricular activities. He says kids who connect develop friendships and find positive role models. A former high school math teacher, Williams can also talk about strategies for getting kids ready for college and preparing them for careers in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields. He can be reached at 919/513-8533 or
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