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D'Lyn Ford

May 17, 2010

High-Flying Team

A brave team from the Friday Institute launched themselves into an outdoor adventure that combined balance and organizational skills with heart-stopping action. 

May 15, 2010

Get a Smarter Card

If it seems that your life is governed by small plastic cards, take heart. You’re about to get a smarter card, one that lives up to its All-Campus moniker. 

May 14, 2010

NC State Unplugged

As part of keeping the lights on at NC State, the power will have to go off for six hours of repairs on Sunday. A planned outage will interrupt utility service to most of the main campus from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. 

May 10, 2010

Diving to New Heights

Karen Achtyl and Megan Bittner have secured a place in history after being named the first female Naval ROTC members selected for submarine duty. They credit their ROTC training, supportive faculty and the rigorous chemical engineering program at NC State for their accomplishment. 

May 7, 2010

Submarine Pioneers

Two NC State seniors secured a place in history after being named the first female Naval ROTC members selected for submarine duty. They credit their ROTC training, supportive faculty and the rigorous chemical engineering program at NC State for their accomplishment. 

Apr 28, 2010

Budget Gauntlet

Gov. Bev Perdue's budget proposal kicks off the rough-and-tumble budget season. In the shadow of the capitol, NC State is preparing for a range of possible scenarios. 

Apr 26, 2010

eGaming For Dollars

Students unveil inventions to make the world a better place, from a system that protects schoolkids to an easier way to learn the guitar. Join us for a tour of eGames 2010. 

Apr 20, 2010

Garden Party

The J.C. Raulston Arboretum's motto? Life is too short for boring plants. 

Apr 15, 2010

A Toast To Mindy Sopher

Since arriving on campus 12 years ago, Mindy Sopher has made a lasting impression on hundreds of students and co-workers. Now, as state and local honors roll in, Sopher recalls her first day in Raleigh. 

NC State students studying on the lawn

Apr 13, 2010

Pop Quiz

Can you pass this quiz about NC State students? Hint: It's based on what they told us on the National Survey of Student Engagement. 

Apr 8, 2010

Benefits Blitz

Benefits specialists are wrapping up a final blitz, contacting employees who have not visited the online portal to fill out a tobacco attestation – a new requirement this year. 

Apr 1, 2010

Budget Forecast Cloudy

With state tax revenues down so far this year, NC State is bracing for possible budget cuts in the 2010-11 fiscal year. 

Mar 4, 2010

Breaking the Habit

Changes to the State Health Plan have given employees like Blake Kannarr new reasons to break the smoking habit. 

Feb 18, 2010

A Wolfpack Welcome

On Wednesday, Feb. 17, we welcomed Chancellor-elect W. Randolph Woodson and his wife, Susan, to the NC State family with a pep-band-fueled, high-energy celebratory event at Reynolds Coliseum. Dr. Woodson, who met hundreds of students, faculty, staff and alumni after the festivities, will officially join NC State as chancellor on April 5. 

Feb 18, 2010

Three Win Watauga Medal

An athletics fundraiser, professor emeritus and agribusiness leader will receive the prestigious Watauga Medal for distinguished service to North Carolina State University.