Mick Kulikowski

New Water Microcleaners Self-Disperse, Capture Microplastics and Float Up for Removal

Kevin Howell Named NC State’s 15th Chancellor

NC State Names Krista S. Walton Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation

NC State Experts Can Discuss Tariffs, Effects

Study Points to South America – Not Mexico – as Birthplace of Irish Potato Famine Pathogen

Blueberries Beware: Powdery Mildew Spreading Across the Globe

Finding Could Help Turn Trees Into Affordable, Greener Industrial Chemicals

Study Finds Mutualistic Relationships Changing With Climate

NC State CLAWS Hub to Lead $19 Million in ‘Leap Ahead’ Projects

New Building Will Take Familiar Name

Diverse Crop Rotations Reduce Risk of Crop Loss Under Poor Growing Conditions

Study Analyzes Potato-Pathogen ‘Arms Race’ After Irish Famine

Shape-Shifting ‘Transformer Bots’ Inspired by Origami

The Unintended Consequences of Success Against Malaria