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Mick Kulikowski

Jan 10, 2011

NC State Cancels Monday Evening Classes

North Carolina State University will continue normal operations (Status 5) until 5 p.m. on Monday. As of 5 p.m. on Monday, NC State will begin operating under adverse weather Status 3:  “Classes canceled; the university is open but operating under adverse weather advisory.” Classes starting at 5 p.m. or later this evening are canceled, and the university will operate under… 

Jan 5, 2011

Not Your Momma’s Top 10 List

The Abstract strives to be informative and entertaining. With that in mind, we think you’ll learn – and laugh – while reading NC State biologist Rob Dunn’s recent Scientific American blog post on “the top 10 life forms living on Lady Gaga (and you).” It’s about forehead mites, Lady Gaga, meat bikinis and lots of critters… 

Dec 16, 2010

NC State’s Chancellor to Announce Significant Donation

North Carolina State University officials will announce a significant gift to the university and its College of Management during an event at 10:45 a.m. on Friday, Dec. 17, in Nelson Hall Auditorium (room 3400). Media coverage is invited. Parking is available in the Dan Allen Drive parking deck, across Dan Allen Drive from Nelson Hall.… 

Dec 15, 2010

NC State to Operate Under Adverse Weather Advisory Until 10 A.M.

Based on predicted weather conditions for Thursday, Dec. 16, North Carolina State University will operate under Status 4 (adverse weather advisory) until 10 a.m. Under this status, all personnel except critical staff are to follow provisions outlined for adverse weather conditions until 10 a.m.  The university’s adverse weather policy can be found here. Exams scheduled for 8… 

Dec 1, 2010

Arden Named NC State University’s Chief Academic Officer

Dr. Warwick A. Arden has been named provost and executive vice chancellor at North Carolina State University. The appointment was made by Chancellor Randy Woodson and approved today in a meeting of the NC State Board of Trustees’ Academic Affairs and Personnel Committee. Arden’s salary will be $315,000. 

Nov 23, 2010

Messin’ with Sasquatch

The Bigfoot of ants, named not because of its massive size but because of its elusive nature, was found recently – in suburban Cary, N.C., of all places. Benoit Guenard, an NC State graduate student in biology, found a pair of the most rarely seen ants in the United States, Amblyopone trigonignatha, took photos of them,… 

Nov 18, 2010

It’s the End of the Male As We Know Him (And Boas Feel Fine)

If the end of men is upon us, as asserted by a summer cover story in The Atlantic, you can add boa constrictors to the list of those sticking their tongues out at males as they slide to irrelevance. Boa constrictor females, it turns out, don’t need males to get involved in the birthing process.… 

Nov 11, 2010

Trampled Underfoot

Most New Yorkers think of medians – islands in the middle of busy streets – as not much more than temporary respites from taxi- or bus-induced death. (I’m speaking from experience – I crossed Park Avenue at least twice every school day while attending high school.) So it stands to reason that as they move… 

Nov 11, 2010

NC State Homecoming Parade, Pep Rally Slated For Friday, Nov. 12

North Carolina State University will welcome back alumni and celebrate Homecoming with a parade on Hillsborough Street from 6 to 7 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 12, followed by a pep rally and concert on Harris Field from 7 to 11 p.m. Media coverage of both events is invited. Chancellor Randy Woodson and his wife, Susan,… 

Nov 10, 2010

NC State’s Solar Center Hosts Free Green-Job Workshop

What: North Carolina State University will host a free, half-day workshop to help job-seekers find employment in North Carolina’s growing green-energy sector. The workshop will explore: Career options in the green-energy market and how to leverage your education and experience How to get plugged into the green network Training programs to take and where to… 

Nov 3, 2010

Girl Power: No Male? No Problem for Female Boa Constrictor

In a finding that upends decades of scientific theory on reptile reproduction, researchers at North Carolina State University have discovered that female boa constrictors can squeeze out babies without mating. 

Nov 2, 2010

Invasive Fruit Fly Found In North Carolina

A potentially important invasive insect species – the fruit fly Drosophila suzukii, or spotted wing Drosophila (SWD) – winged its way to North and South Carolina this summer. The insect has the potential to cause up to 20 percent crop loss in host fruit. 

Oct 29, 2010

NC State Shelton Forum to Focus on Strategic Leadership and Global Change

Retired Gen. Dan McNeill, commander of  the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan in 2007 and 2008, will give a keynote speech at North Carolina State University’s General Hugh Shelton Leadership Forum on Friday, Nov. 5, at the McKimmon Center. 

Oct 25, 2010

NC State to Formally Install Woodson as Chancellor on Tuesday

Dr. Randy Woodson will be formally installed as North Carolina State University’s 14th chancellor during an event at 10:30 a.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 26, in Reynolds Coliseum. Media coverage is invited. Parking is available in Jeter Bays deck off Jeter Drive, east of Reynolds Coliseum. Media should request a parking pass from News Services by… 

Oct 20, 2010

NC State to Lead Local Gates Foundation Effort to Help Low-Income Youth Finish School, Get Training, Find Jobs

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and MDC, a nonprofit organization dedicated to expanding opportunity and reducing poverty, today announced that Raleigh has been selected as one of four cities to participate in the Partners for Postsecondary Success (PPS) initiative as part of a Gates-funded national effort to improve postsecondary completion rates among low-income young…