May 9, 2022
Park Scholars celebrate an achievement nearly two decades in the making. The funds directly impact North Carolina children and families at UNC Children's Hospital and NC State Park Scholars Children's Specialty Clinic.
May 6, 2022
Each spring, NC State’s campus community centers recognize and uplift the range of unique student identities during their own graduation celebrations.
Mar 10, 2022
NC State experts discuss emotional regulation and building resilience during a crisis to better understand how we can sustain our emotional equilibrium while supporting those around us.
Expertas de NC State hablan de la regulación emocional y la fortaleza durante una crisis para mejor entender cómo mantener nuestro equilibrio emocional mientras apoyamos a quienes nos rodean.
Dec 15, 2021
Newsweek recognized Amay J. Bandodkar for his work on wearable battery-free sensors and skin-friendly wearable batteries.