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In the News

NC State news is shared far and wide. Below are just some of our recent appearances in local, regional, national and international media publications.

Jul 18, 2024

Campylobacter More Prevalent on Backyard Poultry Farms, but AMR Much Higher on Commercial Farms

A recent study conducted by researchers at NC State University has found a significantly higher prevalence of Campylobacter on backyard poultry farms than on commercial poultry farms. The project was led by Jessica L. Parzygnat, Ph.D., within the College of Veterinary Medicine. 

Jul 17, 2024 Earth Sky

New burrowing dinosaur discovered in Utah

Haviv Avrahami of NC State University is the lead author of the paper. He said: Fona gives us insight into the third dimension an animal can occupy by moving underground. It adds to the richness of the fossil record and expands the known diversity of small-bodied herbivores, which remain poorly understood despite being incredibly integral components… 

Jul 17, 2024 Undark

Will Burying Biomass Underground Curb Climate Change?

“I definitely still believe that forests can be part of the solution for mitigating climate change,” said Erin Sills, a North Carolina State University forest economist and study coauthor. But, she added, buyers in the carbon credit market can’t definitively claim that they’ve offset their carbon emissions. 

Jul 17, 2024 WUNC

‘Like a gopher, crocodile, and ostrich’ combined: NC paleontologists discover new burrowing dinosaur

Haviv Avrahami, of North Carolina State University and the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences, named the new dinosaur Fona herzogae. Avrahami said that these small, plant-eating dinosaurs lived during the mid-Cretaceous period, back when Utah looked more like the Florida Everglades. It was a time of rising sea levels, increasing global temperatures, and extensive extinction events. “I… 

Jul 17, 2024 WUNC

A conversation about history of political violence in the US with NC State professor

Irwin Morris of North Carolina State University’s School of Public and International Affairs talks with co-host Jeff Tiberii about the history of political violence in our country, and how that history relates to the current moment. 

Jul 16, 2024 The Engineer

Fashion industry leaks millions of tonnes of plastic into the environment each year

The NC State researchers divided the textile waste between two sources: clothing made from synthetic materials like polyester, nylon and acrylic; and clothing made from cotton and other natural fibres. They also looked at plastic waste generated across an apparel product’s ‘value chain,’ which refers to the entire lifecycle of a product – including, for example,… 

Jul 16, 2024

Increasing Agricultural Yields, Efficiency, and Sustainability with AI

Professor Chris Reberg-Horton and his colleagues at North Carolina State University’s Plant Sciences Initiative are taking hundreds of thousands of plant photos and, with the university’s newly acquired Grace Hopper 200 supercomputer, are using them to create the world’s largest agricultural image repository. 

Jul 16, 2024 WUNC

NC’s firefly population is in flux. There are a few ways to help.

Human activity, from pesticide use to land development, is impacting the firefly population statewide. Due South co-host Jeff Tiberii talks to a local entomologist about the dozens of firefly breeds in North Carolina and how we can protect them. Guest: Clyde Sorenson, professor of entomology and plant pathology at North Carolina State University 

Jul 16, 2024

Apparel industry leaks millions of tons of plastic into environment each year, study finds

The findings are detailed in a recent study from North Carolina State University researchers, which found that global apparel consumption resulted in over 20 million tons of plastic waste in 2019. Around 40% of that waste may have been improperly managed and become environmental pollution, a process known as “plastic leakage.” 

Jul 16, 2024 SoCi

Bio-inspired membranes: the future of filtration

‘Biomimicry is an excellent way of addressing these challenges,’ says Lucian Lucia of North Carolina State University, US. Many plants and animals must stay clean in their environment to survive. Increasingly, researchers are turning not just to Nature’s designs, but also to natural materials, for answers. 

Jul 15, 2024 COSMOS

You may have missed: exercise switches on the brain for years; ancient Peru; burrowing dino; and tastier lab-grown meat

“The best explanation for why we find so many of them, and recover them in small bundles of multiple individuals, is that they were living at least part of the time underground,” says, Lindsay Zanno, North Carolina State University professor and head of paleontology at the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences, who co-authored the paper in… 

Jul 15, 2024 MSN

NASA researchers battle biofilm in space

“Biofilm is icky, sticky—and hard to kill,” said Liezel Koellner, a chemical engineer and NASA Pathways intern from North Carolina State University in Raleigh. Koellner used sophisticated epifluorescence microscopy, 3D visualizations of 2D images captured at different focal planes, to fine-tune the team’s studies. 

Jul 15, 2024 Business Insider

The best cat food for indoor cats in 2024

While wet food typically has fewer carbohydrates than dry food, our experts say to focus on the quality of the carbohydrates. Whole carbohydrates are better for cats than processed ones, says Dr. Korinn Saker, associate professor of clinical nutrition at the College of Veterinary Medicine at North Carolina State University. She recommends choosing whole corn and… 

Jul 15, 2024 News & Observer

Strong arms, big feet: NC State paleontologists discover a digger of a dinosaur

Haviv Avrahami, who has been studying Fona for the last decade and formally named the dinosaur recently, said discovering these dinosaurs required knowledge of two fields — geology and biology. This provides paleontologists with an understanding of which rocks preserve fossils and of the animals preserved within them. Avrahami is a Ph.D student at N.C.… 

Jul 12, 2024 WRAL

Walk, run with AI: NC State exoskeleton improves mobility

A 7-pound exoskeleton developed by NC State researchers can help the elderly or others with mobility issues to smoothly walk and and run.