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artificial intelligence

photo shows persons hands holding a smartphone

Feb 1, 2022

Technique Smooths Path for ‘Federated Learning’ AI Training in Wireless Devices

The technique drastically reduces the size of data transmissions, creating new opportunities for wireless AI training. 

Woman wears virtual reality headset.

Nov 1, 2021

Expert: Technology Could Help Clothing Retailers Become More Sustainable

NC State's Byoungho Ellie Jin explores the role that technologies like artificial intelligence, virtual reality and 3D printing could play in addressing industry problems like oversupply. 

A portrait of NC State professor James Lester, against a stylized background.

Jul 29, 2021

NC State, NSF Unveil Institute Focused on Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Education

A new NSF-funded institute will focus on creating AI tools to help people learn. 

Several examples of AI-generated images including identical backgrounds and the same figures, but in different poses.

Jun 1, 2021

Researchers Fine-Tune Control Over AI Image Generation

The new approach allows AI to move or alter elements in an image while keeping them identifiably the same. 

illustration of chatbot interaction

Dec 15, 2020

Study IDs Four Things That Make People Feel Good About Using Chatbots

The study also found that a positive chatbot experience was associated with customer loyalty. 

humanoid robot with touchscreen interface

Dec 1, 2020

Tackling Ethics Concerns Regarding Use of ‘Carebots’ to Assist Older Adults

What's actually possible with Carebots? And what's ethical? 

Oct 13, 2020

Machine Learning Predicts How Long Museum Visitors Will Engage With Exhibits

AI can predict how long museum-goers will spend interacting with an exhibit. 

glowing lines in the shape of a brain

Sep 16, 2020

New Data Processing Module Makes Deep Neural Networks Smarter

AI researchers have improved the performance of deep neural networks by combining feature normalization and feature attention into a single module. 

aerial photo of a complex highway traffic interchange

Jul 6, 2020

What Ethical Models for Autonomous Vehicles Don’t Address – And How They Could Be Better

What happens if people use autonomous vehicles to do something bad? 

code projected onto a person's silhouette

Apr 3, 2020

Talking About How We Talk About the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence

How are we thinking (and writing) about AI? And why does it matter? 

Photo of campus gateway.

Feb 18, 2020

Grant From the U.S. Dept. of Labor to Support AI Apprenticeships

NC State receives a four-year, $6 million grant to support 5,000 workers in artificial intelligence.