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college of sciences

Nov 26, 2013

Iron Preserves, Hides Ancient Tissues in Fossilized Remains

New research from North Carolina State University shows that iron may play a role in preserving ancient tissues within dinosaur fossils, but also may hide them from detection. The finding could open the door to the recovery of more ancient tissues from within fossils. Mary Schweitzer, an NC State paleontologist with a joint appointment at the… 

Nov 22, 2013

Colossal New Predatory Dino Terrorized Early Tyrannosaurs

A new species of carnivorous dinosaur – one of the three largest ever discovered in North America – lived alongside and competed with small-bodied tyrannosaurs 98 million years ago. This newly discovered species, Siats meekerorum, (pronounced see-atch) was the apex predator of its time, and kept tyrannosaurs from assuming top predator roles for millions of… 

Oct 30, 2013

Listen Up: Oysters May Use Sound to Select a Home

Oysters begin their lives as tiny drifters, but when they mature they settle on reefs. New research from North Carolina State University shows that the sounds of the reef may attract the young oysters, helping them locate their permanent home. Larval oysters are planktonic, meaning that they cannot swim against or across currents. However, they… 

Oct 10, 2013

Mosquitofish Genital Shape Linked to Presence of Predators

When predators lurk nearby, male Bahamas mosquitofish (Gambusia hubbsi) change mating strategies, rejecting elaborate courting rituals for more frequent and sometimes forceful encounters with females. But as a recent North Carolina State University study shows, mating strategies aren’t the only things changing for G. hubbsi when predators abound. The shape and size of the male… 

Sep 18, 2013

Hanck Honored for Service

The Department of Chemistry honored assistant head professor Kenneth W. Hanck for his 43 years of service to the university by dedicating the Dabney 210 conference room in his name. 

Sep 16, 2013

Top Pay for Physical Science Majors

Looking for a big return on your college investment? Look no further than the physical sciences at NC State. A company that tracks salaries says our physical science majors are among the nation's top earners. 

Sep 5, 2013

Protecting 17 Percent of Earth’s Land May Preserve 67 Percent of Its Plant Species

Protecting key regions that comprise just 17 percent of Earth’s land may help preserve more than two-thirds of its plant species, according to a new study by an international team of scientists, including a biologist from North Carolina State University. The researchers from Duke University, NC State and Microsoft Research used computer algorithms to identify the… 

Jul 17, 2013

A STEM Leader

NC State is feeding the economy's fastest-growing fields better than any other land-grant university. A recent US News & World Report study NC State produces a higher percentage of science, technology, engineering and math grads than any other land-grant. 

Jul 10, 2013

Researchers Perform DNA Computation in Living Cells

Chemists from North Carolina State University have performed a DNA-based logic-gate operation within a human cell. The research may pave the way to more complicated computations in live cells, as well as new methods of disease detection and treatment. Logic gates are the means by which computers “compute,” as sets of them are combined in… 

Jul 1, 2013

New College of Sciences Launches Today at NC State

North Carolina State University has officially launched its new College of Sciences. The new college, which combines the programs of the College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences with several of the biological sciences programs from the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, will offer interdisciplinary educational and research opportunities for students and faculty. The College… 

Jul 1, 2013

Opening Day for New College

Researchers have to be as flexible as the problems they aim to solve. At NC State, the launch of a new college allows the researchers of today and tomorrow to do just that. 

Jun 30, 2013

The Future of Science

Global challenges don't confine themselves to tidy academic disciplines. The researchers confronting them need to be nimble. The new College of Sciences was designed to encourage NC State students and faculty in the biological, mathematical, statistical, physical, chemical and earth sciences to work across disciplinary lines. 

Jan 23, 2013

Cross Trainers

In the future, biologists and mathematicians will work together to model disease growth. In the present, NC State students are already doing it. 

Oct 19, 2012

College of Sciences Update

Provost Warwick Arden updates the campus community on the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences academic programs and personnel scheduled to join the new College of Sciences. 

Aug 30, 2012

Provost on College of Sciences

A memo sent today from Provost Warwick Arden updates the campus community on progress with the new College of Sciences.