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Apr 1, 2015

NSF Director to Speak at NC State Commencement

NC State graduates will hear inspiring words from astrophysicist France A. Cordova, director of the National Science Foundation, at spring commencement. 

Dec 19, 2014

Fall 2014 Commencement

More than 3,400 new NC State graduates got their degrees on Dec. 18. Keynote speaker Vivian Howard, 2000 alum and PBS TV star, offered words of wisdom. 

Dec 2, 2014

Chef to Give NC State Fall Commencement Speech

Commencement speaker Vivian Howard will tip her chef's toque to NC State's fall graduates on Thursday, Dec. 18. 

May 7, 2014

NC State to Hold Commencement Ceremony May 10

North Carolina State University will confer degrees on more than 5,200 graduating students during its spring commencement exercise, beginning at 9 a.m. Saturday, May 10, in the PNC Arena in Raleigh. Media coverage is invited. During the ceremony, Chancellor Randy Woodson will confer 5,211 degrees – 89 associate’s, 3,531 bachelor’s, 1,333 master’s, 177 doctoral and… 

Apr 21, 2014

U.S. Archivist to Speak at NC State Commencement

David S. Ferriero, archivist of the United States, will deliver NC State’s commencement address on Saturday, May 10, at 9 a.m. at the PNC Arena in Raleigh. During the ceremony, Chancellor Randy Woodson will confer honorary degrees on Ferriero and noted sculptor Thomas Sayre. Ferriero heads the National Archives and Records Administration, responsible for running 13… 

Jan 9, 2014

Winter Commencement 2013

Experience the excitement and joy of December's commencement ceremony at the PNC arena. 

Dec 16, 2013

NC State to Hold Commencement Ceremony Dec. 18

North Carolina State University will confer more than 3,700 degrees on graduating students during its fall commencement exercise, beginning at 9 a.m. Wednesday, Dec. 18, in the PNC Arena in Raleigh. Media coverage is invited. During the ceremony, Chancellor Randy Woodson will confer 3,746 degrees – 62 associate’s, 2,215 bachelor’s, 1,150 master’s and 319 doctoral… 

May 8, 2013

NC State to Hold Commencement Ceremony May 11

North Carolina State University will confer degrees on more than 5,200 graduating students during its spring commencement exercise, beginning at 9 a.m. Saturday, May 11, in the PNC Arena in Raleigh. Media coverage is invited. During the ceremony, Chancellor Randy Woodson will confer 5,255 degrees – 80 associate’s, 3,528 bachelor’s, 1,384 master’s, 191 doctoral and… 

Apr 11, 2013

Freelon to Speak at NC State Commencement

  Architect Philip Freelon, lead designer for the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington, D.C., will deliver NC State’s commencement address on Saturday, May 11, at 9 a.m. at the PNC Arena in Raleigh. During the ceremony, Chancellor Randy Woodson will confer honorary degrees on Indra K. Nooyi, chairman and CEO… 

Dec 12, 2012

NC State to Hold Commencement Ceremony Dec. 15

North Carolina State University will confer more than 3,500 degrees on graduating students during its fall commencement exercise, beginning at 9 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 15, in the PNC Arena in Raleigh. Media coverage is invited. During the ceremony, Chancellor Randy Woodson will confer 3,550 degrees – 66 associate’s, 2,174 bachelor’s, 1,013 master’s and 297 doctoral… 

Nov 27, 2012

Doc Hendley to Give NC State Fall Commencement Speech

Doc Hendley, founder and president of the clean water nonprofit Wine to Water, will deliver NC State’s commencement address on Saturday, Dec. 15, at the PNC Arena in Raleigh. The event begins at 9 a.m. During the ceremony, Chancellor Randy Woodson will confer an honorary degree on Dr. James H. Woodward, former chancellor at NC State and… 

Mar 1, 2012

QB Rivers to Speak at Commencement

Philip Rivers, a record-setting passer for NC State and current starting quarterback for the NFL’s San Diego Chargers, is scheduled to speak at commencement on Saturday, May 12. 

Dec 19, 2011

NC State mints 3,400 new graduates

More than 3,400 new graduates received their degrees Saturday during fall commencement activities. The new alumni heard from keynote speaker Dr. Rajendra Pachauri, a Nobel Prize-winning climate scientist and NC State alumnus. 

Dec 14, 2011

NC State To Hold Commencement Ceremonies Dec. 17

North Carolina State University will confer more than 3,400 degrees on graduating students during its fall commencement exercises, beginning at 9 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 17, in the RBC Center in Raleigh. Media coverage is welcomed. During the ceremony, Chancellor Randy Woodson will confer 3,437 degrees – 87 associate’s, 2,105 bachelor’s, 988 master’s, 254 doctoral and… 

Nov 22, 2011

Nobel Laureate to Deliver Fall Commencement Address at NC State

Nobel Prize winner and NC State alumnus Dr. Rajendra K. Pachauri, a world leader in the study of climate change, will deliver NC State’s commencement address on Saturday, Dec. 17, at the RBC Center in Raleigh. The commencement ceremony will begin at 9 a.m. During the ceremony, Chancellor Randy Woodson will confer honorary degrees on behalf of…