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the abstract


Jul 1, 2022

When Volcanology and Art Collide

Arianna Soldati talks about a unique collaboration between volcanologists and glass artists. 

NC State gateway at sunset

Jun 13, 2022

Understanding Room Temperature Superconductivity

Lex Kemper discusses attempts to untangle the secrets of superconducting material YBCO. 

Debris flow

May 4, 2022

Getting a Better View of Landslide Risk With LiDAR

Geologists use LiDAR to try and figure out where landslides are more likely to occur. 

Toy dinos

Apr 25, 2022

Exploring the Origins of Molecular Paleontology

If Jurassic Park fueled your interest in dinosaurs, genetics, and all things ancient, you aren’t alone. There’s an entire field dedicated to looking for ancient DNA – molecular paleontology – that predates Michael Crichton’s take on dino clones. And the people behind that research are just as varied and interesting as any of Crichton’s subjects.… 

ground surface rupture

Mar 29, 2022

What the Sparta Earthquake Tells Us About Shallow Quakes

The Sparta, N.C. earthquake is the first documented surface rupture earthquake in the eastern U.S. and can help us learn more about shallow earthquakes. 

woman discussing a research poster

Mar 22, 2022

Exploring What Equity Means in Research at NC State

NC State's inaugural Equity Research Symposium brought together faculty, staff and students to explore research that examines issues related to equity. 

Sleeping newborn

Oct 6, 2021

‘Safer’ Chemicals Still Linked to Neurotoxicity, Developmental Effects

A class of chemicals commonly found in everything from toys to home furnishings may pose more of a risk to brain development in children than previously thought. 


Sep 2, 2021

Pre- and Probiotics Keep Intestinal Barriers Strong

Prebiotics and probiotics can do more than just add good bacteria to the gut - they can help keep intestinal barriers strong. 

pets waiting for owner

Aug 5, 2021

Adjusting Pets to Life After COVID-19 Quarantine

Margaret Gruen, assistant professor of behavioral medicine, talks about how post-quarantine scheduling shifts may impact pets — and how you can help ease them back into the routine they once knew so well. 

X-ray of golf ball inside a snake

May 11, 2021

Saving Snakes From Spherical Snacks

Greg Lewbart talks to The Abstract about snakes, golf balls, and surgical versus non-surgical options. 

A vaccine card, an NC State-branded bandage and a syringe containing the Janssen vaccine

May 3, 2021

Behind the Scenes of COVID-19 Vaccine Review

An NC State statistician who is helping review COVID-19 vaccine trials answers questions about the work of the Data and Safety Monitoring Board. 

A stack of green money

Apr 1, 2021

Why Did Some State Tax Revenues Increase During the Pandemic?

A combination of progressive income tax rates and COVID-19 restrictions could explain why some states' tax revenues increased last year. 

Sleeping newborn

Feb 22, 2021

Q&A: Phthalates and Child Brain Development

Heather Patisaul talks about how phthalates can impact developing brains. 

Photo of campus gateway.

Feb 17, 2021

The Search for Electron-Hole Liquids Gets Warmer

Graduate student Ryan Wilmington describes the prediction and discovery of electron-hole liquid formation at high temperatures. 

Electron microscope image of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Feb 9, 2021

Bidirectional Contact Tracing Could Have a Dramatic Impact on COVID-19 Infection Numbers

NC State mathematician Alun Lloyd recently co-authored a study that found bidirectional contact tracing is twice as effective as forward tracing, the contact tracing method currently in use.