Tests Confirm Water on Campus Safe
Good news for thirsty wolves. The initial data from water quality tests is in: Officials say the water is safe for drinking and cooking on all areas of the NC State campus. Officials will continue to monitor water quality for the safety of the campus community.
You may continue to notice the water looks “cloudy,” but this is a natural result of system flushing and not any cause for concern, officials say.
This news comes after three days of steady warnings about the quality of the water on NC State’s campus. Facilities Operations requested that everyone refrain from using the drinking water on main campus. Personnel with Facilities and Environmental Health and Safety flushed the system yesterday, testing the water quality. The affected areas were between Western Boulevard and Hillsborough Street, Method Road and Pullen Road. This encompassed north and central campus precincts.
Should you notice the drinking water in your building has an unusual odor in the future, contact the Customer Service Center at 515-2991.
Water quality updates are accessible from the university home page.
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