Mosquitoes, Ticks and Horse Flies, Oh My!

The warm weather of summer often draws us out of the house for a trip to the pool, a hike in the woods or (less fun) to mow the lawn. And all that time outdoors means we’re more aware of the ticks, mosquitoes, horse flies and other pests that are also more active in warm weather.
This post pulls together all of the insect and arachnid profiles we’ve written over the past year (including some year-round pests, like cockroaches). There are tips on how to get rid of these pests and how to treat bug bites, as well as lots of information about the animals themselves. As annoying as they are, they’re also fascinating. Check out the links below to see what we’ve written about – and if we’ve missed any pests you’re curious about, please let us know in the comments.