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chemical and biomolecular engineering

strands of DNA in the shape of a computer chip

Jun 12, 2020

New Approach to DNA Data Storage Makes System More Dynamic, Scalable

Researchers are laying out a fundamentally new approach to DNA data storage systems. 

flowchart of how artificial chemist works

Jun 4, 2020

‘Artificial Chemist’ Combines AI, Robotics to Conduct Autonomous R&D

Combining AI and robotics to advance materials R&D and manufacturing. 

May 14, 2020

Research of Particular Relevance

Park Scholar Daniel Haller's keen interest in stopping the spread of infectious diseases helped earn him a prestigious Goldwater Scholarship. 

Cherry tomatoes

Apr 29, 2020

Plant Aid: A Big-Data Project to Detect Plant Diseases Faster

An interdisciplinary team led by professor Jean Ristaino will combine small sensors with big data for faster detection of the diseases plaguing tomato fields. From a hand-held plant disease ‘sniffer’ to a cloud-based database that can alert farmers about the cause of the stress and suggest possible mitigation strategies, the project aims to detect diseases early, improving yield. 

diagram of ethylene production process

Apr 24, 2020

Catalyst Opens Door to More Efficient, Environmentally Friendly Ethylene Production

Finding could help cut related CO2 emissions by up to 87%. 

comparison of batch to microfluidic platforms

Feb 18, 2020

Green Approach Accelerates Process Optimization and Retrieval of ‘Switchable’ Solvents

Green tech accelerates screening and retrieval of “switchable” solvents. 

Oct 14, 2019

Unique Dendritic Sticky Particles Formed by Harnessing ‘Liquid Chaos’

NC State researchers create unique particles with the stickiness of gecko legs. 

Oct 1, 2019

Just Add Water: Simple Step Boosts Polymer’s Ability to Filter CO2 From Mixed Gases

Researchers boost polymer's ability to remove CO2 from gas by submerging it in water. 

image shows material lighting up in different colors when touched by one hand versus two hands

Sep 13, 2019

‘Soft Tactile Logic’ Tech Distributes Decision-Making Throughout Stretchable Material

Inspired by octopuses, new tech can sense, compute and respond without any centralized processing. 

water droplets on a reflective surface

Aug 2, 2019

Self-Sterilizing Polymer Proves Effective Against Drug-Resistant Pathogens

Researchers have found an elastic polymer that possesses broad-spectrum antimicrobial properties, allowing it to kill a range of viruses and drug-resistant bacteria in just minutes – including methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). 

hands hold smartphone and sampling container for plant disease detection tech

Jul 29, 2019

Portable Tech Sniffs Out Plant Disease In The Field

Researchers have developed portable technology that allows farmers to identify plant diseases in the field. The handheld device, which is plugged into a smartphone, works by sampling the airborne volatile organic compounds that plants release through their leaves. 

Two smartphone screens displaying the cyanotoxin sensor interface

Jun 25, 2019

Researchers Create First Portable Tech For Detecting Cyanotoxins In Water

Researchers have developed the first portable technology that can test for cyanotoxins in water. 

leaf marked by a microneedle patch

Jun 10, 2019

New Microneedle Technique Speeds Plant Disease Detection

Researchers have developed a new technique that uses microneedle patches to collect DNA from plant tissues in one minute, rather than the hours needed for conventional techniques. 

painting of a double helix

Jun 3, 2019

Research Overcomes Key Obstacles to Scaling Up DNA Data Storage

New techniques for labeling and retrieving data files in DNA-based information storage systems address two of the key obstacles to widespread adoption of DNA data storage technologies. 

Neil Baugh leaning over his lab bench, smiling at the camera.

May 16, 2019

Proving Ground

Undergraduate researcher Neil Baugh has immersed himself in some of the coolest research in higher education, from soft robotics to nanomaterials. Thanks to a Goldwater Scholarship, he has plenty more to think and do.