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An image of a piece of advanced technology that looks like a brain.

Jul 11, 2024

AI Powers Interdisciplinary Innovation

At NC State University, interdisciplinary teams are leveraging AI to revolutionize research in agriculture, chemical engineering, education and more. 

person in a black coat has their fingers crossed behind their back.

Mar 18, 2024

New Technique Helps AI Tell When Humans Are Lying

The technique was developed for use in contexts when humans have an economic incentive to lie, such as applying for a mortgage. 

The NC State belltower with spring blooms.

Sep 18, 2023

NC State Continues To Rise in U.S. News Rankings 

For the second consecutive year, NC State made big moves in a national ranking of colleges and universities to rank 60th in the nation, an increase of 12 spots over 2022. Among public institutions, the university remains in the top 30 nationally, moving up one place to 28th. The Best Colleges list, published annually by U.S.… 

three signs are attached to a chain link fence. The signs read: "Don't Give Up", "You Are Not Alone", and "You Matter".

Sep 11, 2023

Study Sheds Light on Increased Reports of Suicidal Behavior in Teens

Some of the increase appears to be due to changes in how health professionals screen for and report on suicidal thoughts. 

two adult Ukrainian refugees stand by a roadside. One of them is holding a child. The road signs tell you that the scene is inside the European Union.

Jun 12, 2023

Ukraine Refugees Could Boost Europe’s GDP

The influx of Ukrainian refugees across Europe will improve long-term GDP for European countries that invest in infrastructure and other capital improvements. 

Frankie and Debbie Antonelli

May 11, 2023

A Mother’s Love in Free Throws

Debbie Antonelli’s family is off the hook this year. Her husband and three sons won’t have to take her to a fork-and-cloth-napkin restaurant to celebrate Mother’s Day — the only thing the accomplished television analyst and former NC State women’s basketball player ever really wants her all-male tribe to give her on that day. She’ll be… 

computer screen shows charts of complex financial transactions

Aug 10, 2022

New AI Meets Profit, Risk Goals for Complex Financial Portfolios

The AI meets investment risk and return goals for large-scale portfolios containing hundreds of assets. 

Feb 25, 2022

NC State Experts on Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

Media looking for expertise on the Russian invasion of Ukraine can contact the following NC State experts. 

Mountain forests

Dec 1, 2020

Cost of Planting, Protecting Trees to Fight Climate Change Could Jump

A new analysis estimates the cost of preserving and planting trees to hit global emissions reductions targets. 

an angler fishing on the shore

Sep 2, 2020

Climate Change and Outdoor Recreation

Climate change will affect businesses that rely on outdoor recreation. 

aerial view of a combine harvester in a field

Aug 26, 2020

Climate Change, Crop Yields and Risk Management for Farmers

Helping farmers adjust to how climate change is affecting crop yield. 

hand holding alarm clock

Apr 27, 2020

Early High School Start Times Adversely Affect Attendance

Study finds that earlier high school start times can have significant adverse consequences for students. 

Supermarket shopper pushing cart past empty refrigerator cases

Apr 22, 2020

Q&A: Food Supply Chain, Disrupted

Let's talk about the big picture of how we get our food. 

statue of the scales of justice

Jan 6, 2020

Redefining ‘Fairness’ Could Improve K-12 School Assignment Outcomes

Researchers are proposing a way to get more K-12 students into their preferred schools. 

child and adult fishing on the beach

Oct 7, 2019

Another Casualty of Climate Change? Recreational Fishing

Research finds that recreational fishing will likely be another casualty of climate change.