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humanities and social sciences

Sep 15, 2010

Scientists Pave Way For Improved Teamwork On Collaborative Research Efforts

Tackling today’s complex scientific questions often requires work from interdisciplinary collaborative research teams – and working in those teams can create its own problems. Now a group of researchers from around the country, including North Carolina State University, has published a commentary in the journal Science Translational Medicine outlining a new field of study that… 

Sep 14, 2010

Research Will Help ID Bodies Left Behind By Chilean Earthquake, Pinochet Regime

New research from North Carolina State University will help medical examiners and others identify human remains of those killed during the recent earthquake in Chile, as well as the bodies of the “disappeared” who were killed during the Pinochet administration. 

Aug 31, 2010

Archaeological Study Shows Human Activity May Have Boosted Shellfish Size

In a counter-intuitive finding, new research from North Carolina State University shows that a species of shellfish widely consumed in the Pacific over the past 3,000 years has actually increased in size, despite – and possibly because of – increased human activity in the area. 

Aug 30, 2010

Survey Says: Genetics Affect Whether We’re Willing To Take Surveys

A new study from North Carolina State University shows that genetics play a key factor in whether someone is willing to take a survey. 

Aug 30, 2010

Expert Can Discuss Importance Of Labor Day During Recession, Election Year

As American workers are faced with the “Great Recession” of the 21st century, how are they faring this Labor Day? What role might organized labor play, or not play, in the upcoming fall 2010 elections? Labor historian and North Carolina State University professor Dr. David Zonderman can provide historical perspective on this and other questions… 

Aug 24, 2010

No Laughing Matter: Laughter Can Play Key Role In Group Dynamics

Laughter can play key roles in group communication and group dynamics – even when there’s nothing funny going on. That’s according to new research from North Carolina State University that examined the role of laughter in jury deliberations during a capital murder case. 

Jul 29, 2010

NC State Expert: Oil Spill Not Likely to Reach N.C.

As the disaster in the Gulf continues to unfold, the southeastern U.S. is preparing for the potential economic  and environmental repercussions should the oil reach its shores. Fortunately, current models indicate that the N.C. coastline may end up unscathed. North Carolina State University experts can address the likelihood of the oil spill reaching the N.C.… 

Jul 26, 2010

Hot Topic: Improving Communications To Fight Wildfires

Wildfires can be deadly, as well as causing millions of dollars worth of damage to homes, businesses and natural resources. Efforts to control wildfires often include a staggering array of federal, state and local government agencies. New research from North Carolina State University is shedding light on how these agencies can better communicate with each… 

Jul 15, 2010

Study: Working Conditions Pose Problems For Workers And Employers

New research from North Carolina State University shows that an increase in professional business practices such as outsourcing, hiring temporary workers and focusing on project-based teams is having a detrimental effect on workers and likely poses long-term problems for employers. 

Jul 6, 2010

Hips Don’t Lie: Researchers Find More Accurate Technique To Determine Sex Of Skeletal Remains

Research from North Carolina State University offers a new means of determining the sex of skeletal human remains – an advance that may have significant impacts in the wake of disasters, the studying of ancient remains and the criminal justice system. 

Jun 29, 2010

Study Shows Age Doesn’t Necessarily Affect Decisions

Many people believe that getting older means losing a mental edge, leading to poor decision-making. But a new study from North Carolina State University shows that when it comes to making intuitive decisions – using your “gut instincts” – older adults fare as well as their juniors. 

Jun 14, 2010

Tequila And Cheese Offer Lessons For Rural Economies In Developing World

Tequila and cheese may sound like the makings of an awkward cocktail party, but new research shows that they have a lot to tell us about efforts to boost rural economies around the world. 

Jun 1, 2010

CSI Raleigh: NC State Holds National Forensic Science Workshop For Law Enforcement

Law enforcement officers from around the United States are coming to North Carolina State University to participate in a weeklong crime scene investigation workshop, which involves solving a series of mock murders while learning about state-of-the-art technology in the field of forensic science. 

May 13, 2010

New Forensics Research Will Help Identify Remains Of Children

New research from North Carolina State University is now giving forensic scientists a tool that can be used to help identify the remains of children, and may contribute to resolving missing-persons cases, among other uses. Identifying skeletal remains can be a key step in solving crimes, but traditionally it has been exceptionally difficult to identify… 

May 11, 2010

NC State Experts Offer Insight On Fallout From Greek Economy

Greece is the focus of global attention as observers try to determine the economic, financial and political fallout stemming from instability in the Greek economy. North Carolina State University researchers can help explain exactly what happened, and offer insights into what is likely to happen next.