NC State Experts on Roe v. Wade

Steven Greene, political science professor in the School of Public and International Affairs at North Carolina State University, is an expert on public opinion on abortion, the partisan and electoral politics of abortion, and abortion politics in North Carolina. He can be reached at

Jordan Carr Peterson, assistant professor of political science in the School of Public and International Affairs at North Carolina State University, can speak on various Roe v. Wade topics ranging from the judiciary’s role in the construction of rights related to intimate human relationships (including reproductive rights, consensual sexual intimacy, marriage, etc.) to the drivers of judicial decision-making (e.g., the role of ideology, partisanship, etc. in the choices made by judges). Peterson can be reached at

Jim Zink, assistant professor of political science in the School of Public and International Affairs at North Carolina State University, can discuss the general fallout of Roe v. Wade as it pertains to perceptions of judicial legitimacy. Zink can be reached at

Amanda Ross Edwards, assistant teaching professor of political science in the School of Public and International Affairs at North Carolina State University, can speak on political, institutional and Supreme Court processes and how they have impacted the development of Roe v. Wade. “As the country works through the more recent developments regarding Roe v. Wade, it is important to understand how process impacts outcome, including, how and why Roe v. Wade has developed the way it has over time,” Edwards said. She can be reached at